Head of the Constitutional Court (MK) Hamdan Zoelva opened the Education and Training of Election Results Dispute Settlement 2014 to Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) on Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Cisarua, Bogor, on Tuesday (25/02).
In his speech, Hamdan says the purpose of this training was to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the results of the election dispute resolution and important problems in the nation. It calls to local law enforcement along with the organizers of elections to be able to work more optimally face the legislative elections of 2014.
"Election 2014 shortly be called, is a very important election for the nation of Indonesia in the middle of the transition to democratic consolidation. Election organizers and law enforcement as Bawaslu have a very strategic position and very important, to be able to create laws that target is achieved," said Hamdan.
Hamdan delivered results and recommendations must be implemented with Bawaslu and KPU. So when the results and recommendations from Bawaslu strong and good, bright Hamdan, this will localize the problem or conflict at KPU better. But often cases Election, Panwaslu members in the area are often not one voice, one with another, until the alignments occur. This is by Hamdan due to lack of independence and impartiality. Up to lack independence causes discord and the inability to solve the problem. "If Bawaslu resolve the dispute in impartially, independent and professional, without influenced by the pressures of everything, then give the verdict will be well received by the participants,” he said.
Hamdan added, with very limited circumstances, it brings all the law enforcement and election organizers to work with MK in the legislative elections of 2014. The efforts to solve the problems of money Politic before getting into MK. "Therefore, Bawaslu and KPU can solve existing problems in each area, to not accumulate and especially to put into MK," said Hamdan.
Hamdan also did not forget to explain the preparations made by MK. "We have completed 100 of the scribe to researchers to work together to face legal action legislative elections. Besides MK also makes the guidelines, rules, formulas and systems that cannot be influenced by anyone, both by the litigants to political parties," he said.
Not Much Dispute
While Chief Bawaslu Muhammad in response to expect on Election 9 April next execution is not much dispute that goes to MK. "Our hope is hopefully not too much conflict elections in MK," said Muhammad.
According to him, the high conflict election results due to the lack of a maximum of election organizers, such as KPU and Bawaslu. "I hope the elections wherever possible conflict also done on the ground or TPS," said him.
Such activity is also implemented by Bawaslu for supervisory in Province and Regency / City. "Some of the more comprehensive and complete it should also be controlled by MK," Muhammad said. (Panji Erawan / mh )
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 | 21:21 WIB 140