Commissioner Closed PHPU Training for General Election Commission

Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) Ida Budhiati had the honor of closing the Education and Training of Election Result Dispute Settlement Case (PHPU) for General Elections Commission (KPU) on Pancasila and the Constitution Education Center. The event was previously opened by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva on February 18, 2014 and closed on February 21, 2014.

In his speech, Ida ensured provincial KPU commissioners and district / city KPU PHPU will attend the hearing if it becomes the defendant. It is, to provide relevant information to judge the constitutional situation in the field making it easier for the Court to analyze the case filed.

Furthermore, looking at legal policy governing what and how the 2014 election, according to Ida , hope and spirit of the law makers are not just devout election procedures. Expectations, the election is also able to provide the processes and results with integrity.

To produce the results of the election process and integrity, there are some things that should be implemented, including the organizers should be independent and occurs lack of legal certainty and enforcement of election laws. In this case, according to Ida, the Court has a tremendous contribution, not just give birth to the rule of law but also gave birth to substantive justice that is adapted to be a role model when running the authority of the judiciary.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar expressed the hope that science, knowledge, and experience that has been delivered by the guest speaker during the training should also be submitted to the associate members of the Commission at both provincial and district / city that has not had the opportunity to attend training.

 “The science presented during the training, we hope together can realize immediate general election free and fair secret and honest so that the Court is not preoccupied with the many cases. Therefore we expect all to be completed by the father and mother commissioner," said Janedjri.

He also explained, as is widely understood, the election as the main instrument of democracy must be carried out democratically. To be implemented democratically, no other instrument is needed, the election court. Presented to the Court in our constitutional system, according Janedjri was intended to break PHPU because democracy cannot be allowed to walk alone. In other words, democracy must be balanced.

Studying the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, explained that the people are sovereign in Indonesia. Of popular sovereignty that, he went on to understand democracy. However, democracy is not a perfect system, it has a weakness.

Most democratic elections, recognized by Janedjri have flaws. So, he hopes that the material has been presented in the training can be used as a reference. Especially on election law developments in the jurisprudence of the Court. "A lot of new legal principles resulting from the decisions of the Constitutional Court and was not known by the audience. I suggest the father / mother commissioner jurisprudence deepen again, as stock when the proceedings in the Court," said Janedjri. (Lulu Hanifa / mh)

Friday, February 21, 2014 | 13:41 WIB 122