Chief Justice Gives Scientific Speech in Attahiriyah University Graduation

Chief Justice of Constitutional Court (MK) HamdanZoelva gives scientific papers in Open Senate Session Attahiriyah Islamic University Graduation Degree XVIII and Masters IX, in ManggalaWanabakti, Jakarta, Saturday (02/08/2014).

In his speech, Hamdan reiterated the importance of restoring public confidence in the Constitutional Court. Public confidence in the Court acknowledges is far lower than the current standing.

Before the arrest Chief Justice, the Court established a new decade is able to stand parallel to the older institution and become a trusted institution. "MK is a reliable institution for its decisions, as controversial as any, taken by operation of law, justice, and the Constitution," he said.

Thus, the Court asked for support to restore public confidence. So far, said Hamdan, the Court always deciding cases based on the fairness of the attitude of a statesman, not pursuing imaging.

Looking back, MK was born through changes in the Constitution of 1945. The Court began with the formation of the aspirations of the importance of testing legislation against the constitution.

"The Constitution is the supreme law of the product to achieve the goal state. Constitutional determines what should be achieved, carried out, in order to achieve the goal state," said Hamdan.

He continued, between the constitution with laws made ​​by the former Act allows the opposition. Thus, the need for mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the constitution is consistent.

“Without the state Court continues to run even if unconstitutional, which runs the state is violating the rights of citizens. In Indonesia, the Court established that this country does not slip during the past authoritarianism," he said.

Function escort constitution in all developing countries is not only testing the Act or a judicial review. The development authority, among others, dissolves political parties; resolve disputes authority of state institutions, constitutional complaints and constitutional question.

The development also, added Hamdan, who inspired the authority of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia. (Lulu Hanifa / mh )

Sunday, February 09, 2014 | 04:49 WIB 152