The state has the responsibility to promote national culture in the middle of the world civilization in a society by guaranteeing freedom to maintain and develop its cultural values. So that the protection of national cultural diversity must also be expressed in terms of the protection of cultural objects that is invaluable to the nation of Indonesia.
Similarly, the idea conveyed by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court ( MK ) Hamdan Zoelva as a keynote speaker at an international symposium organized by the Centre for Local Development Studies (CLDS), Faculty of Law, Islamic Indonesia University (UII), at the Auditorium Kahar Muzakkir UII, Yogyakarta, Tuesday (21/01/2013).
With the themes raised in this symposium, "Reactualization of International Law in Protecting Archeological Properties and It’s Implication Toward Cultural Heritage Law in Indonesia", Hamdan sees that the 1945 Constitution has provided a strong guarantee against identity culture, where the Constitution stated emphatically that cultural identity and traditional peoples’ rights are respected in tune with the times.
Said the man born in Bima, through these cultural objects Indonesian people can always learn about the origins of identity and values as a nation. "The objects of culture that is the source of lessons for Indonesia to understand ourselves and learn from the successes and failures of the past," he explained.
According to Hamdan, culture, nation and state are three different conceptions, but all three can not be separated from one another. Cultural values and identity that shapes the character of the community which the formation of the nation, formalized in the form of the nation state. Hamdan said, when formalized into a country, then the value of the character and identity of the source of compliance of all citizens.
Further ex- member Ad Hoc Committee I of the People ‘s Consultative Assembly (MPR), said 1945 Constitution was a form of agreement with all the people of Indonesia, which has a unified identity as a nation of Indonesia. It is said by him, the Indonesian national identity is formed by the common ground which gave birth to the values accepted as true, namely Pancasila, and became the philosophical basis for all of the basic provisions in the 1945 Constitution.
After delivering his address to the participants, accompanied by UII Rector Edy Suandi Hamid , Dean FH UII, Muhammad Rusli, and Director CLDS Jawahir Thontowi, Hamdan Zoelva has the opportunity to watch the site Kimpulan temple complex at the Integrated Campus UII Ground. (Ilham/ mh)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 | 21:16 WIB 148