Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Arief Hidayat officially opened Technical Guidance of Election Dispute for Gerindra, Tuesday (12/10/2013), housed in the Education Center of Pancasila and the Constitution of the Constitutional Court, Cisarua, Bogor. The event was attended by Chairman of Gerindra Suhardi accompanied by top officials.
In his speech, Arief requested that the entire cadre of Gerindra always uphold justice and fairness by promoting the values of tolerance in order to achieve the vision and mission of nation and state. With ready to win and to lose, Gerindra candidates are expected to develop a healthy culture of democracy and justice.
Arief also helped apologizes for tsunami law that tarnished face justice in Indonesia with the arrest of the former head of the Constitutional Court, Akil Mochtar. He asserted, Akil arrest does not necessarily indicate that all constitutional judges behave badly. Although these events have been dropped perceived authority and erodes public confidence in the Court, but Ariel still ask the support of all elements of society to be able to trust Court again.
Arief to ensure the participants, there is still constitutional judges while maintaining its integrity. “Not all judges behave as constitutional. As there is a song, not all men, as well as with the constitutional judges. So I please trust us," said Arief.
He hoped that the participants this time the sublime judge can re- socialize the constitution to the people in order to maintain the image and dignity of the Court. Indeed, the authority of the Court is not only determined by the constitution and the ranks of the judges of the Constitutional Court as a whole, but also participates in the specified amount of community support.
Meanwhile Suhandri in his speech appreciated the initiative of the Court in holding this event. All participants of this event, light Suhardi, derived from the Law Division Gerindra in Indonesia, including the legislative candidates who will compete in the 2014 legislative elections. Suhardi said, reflecting upon the experience of the 2009 election, Gerindra feel so overwhelmed in dealing with election disputes, even though he thinks it should be resolved at the level of branch board.
Technical guidance this time is expected to add insight and knowledge of the cadres of Gerindra more mature in order to prepare for the upcoming election disputes. However, Gerindra expect chaotic election results are not up to the Court endless. “Obviously we do not expect there will be many lawsuits to the Constitutional Court. We need not trouble the Court. Let us not burden the Court,"said Suhardi that directly echoed the entire cadre of Gerindra. ( Julie / mh )
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 | 16:50 WIB 231