Court Public Relation Won Media Award 2013

The Constitutional Court was awarded PR Media Award (AMH) in 2013 which was organized by the Public Relations Coordinating Ministry / Government Agency (Bakohumas). In the course of the night award AMH 2013 that was held in conjunction with the national meeting of Bakohumas, 2013, Thursday (20/11) in Solo, Central Java, the Court awarded the Best I for major merchandise category and first runner up in the category of information services via the Internet (website).

Both awards are obtained by the Constitutional Court set aside hundreds more participants from the group Ministries / Institutions, Enterprises and State Universities throughout Indonesia. Unlike the previous administration in which three groups of participants that have their respective categories, the 2013 AHM entire group of participants assessed in the same category.

Other award recipients for categories of websites, PT Pertamina (Best I), Bank Mandiri (Best II), PT Pelindo I (Best III), PT Pelindo III (second runner up), and UB (third runner up). As for the main Merchandise category, awards were also given to the Ministry of Finance (Top II), Manpower (Best III), PT PLN (first runner up), State University of Yogyakarta (second runner up), and the State Audit Board of Indonesia (third runner up).

PR professionals

Chairman Bakohumas Freddy H. Tulung the speech represented the Minister of Communications and Information Technology said that the current middle Bakohumas promote the establishment of a government public relations refers to the standard public relations professional competence.

It thus in turn will encourage the emergence of competent government public relations personnel with certification refers to the national qualification standard. Freddy also added that the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has been working with a number of relevant agencies to facilitate the formation of professional certification agency (LSP) public relations. “As far as it concerns the administrative requirements already running. Nevertheless, we still synchronize functional concept of certification for Institutions of Public Relations (JFPH)," said Freddy.

Bakohumas 2013 annual meeting in addition filled with award AHM 2013, the event also presents a number of speakers who presented the materials on public relations and its role in strengthening the reputation of government agencies. Resource persons were present, among others, former Chief Justice Moh Mahfud MD, Chairman of the Commission Husni Kamil Manik, and Metro TV News Director Suryopratomo. ( Ardli / mh )

Thursday, November 21, 2013 | 07:11 WIB 144