Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva provides material the Commission organized a seminar entitled “Public Consultation and Dispute Resolution Problem Inventory Election Results 2014" at Hotel Santika, Palu, Central Sulawesi. The event was attended by Governor of Central Sulawesi Longki Djanggola the opening ceremony, Chairman of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Election Commission Sahran Raden, some members of the Supervisory Committee and the Election Supervisory Body, and the seminar participants.
Hamdan expressed, when viewed from the Act of 1945 after the change, elections are regulated separately under the provisions of Article 22E. Before the change, there is not one word in the constitution of our elections. There are three principles that governed the election, the election was held in direct, general,free,confidential, honest and fair. Elections are also held by the electoral authorities that are rational, permanent and independent. Then the third, the election was held to elect members of the House of Representatives, the Regional Representative Council, Regional Representatives Council, President, and Vice President. This election was defined by the constitution.
Hamdan explained, when the time was led by Jimly Assiddiqie, policy issues including election law is open (opened legal policy), where the politics in shaping the policy of the legislation , the regional head elections could be resolved in the courts and in the Supreme Court can do in the neighborhood Constitutional Court justice. Finally, since 2008, the Court received additional burden to participate adjudicate electoral disputes regional head.
In the 2014 elections,Hamdan suspected violations of the campaign process, voting and counting, three aspects of this possibility a lot going on. Hamdan hopes this campaign violations will be resolved at the level of the Commission , Supervisory Committee and the Election Supervisory Body , also criminal justice election -related violations. If unresolved at that level would enhance the Court simply did vote count alone. Hamdan also said this is where the prone position breaches the 2014 elections, the dispute process and counting dispute.
Because of the persistence of the heads of state institutions that get a report from the Commission and the Minister of Home Affairs on the subject of the final voters list (DPT), the Commission in its report there were about 10, 4 million voters list which still has not identified the name and address. Hamdan appealed to the Commission to verify the back 10,4 million is to be completed constituents of data , so that the data met the voters in the electoral list . So that DPT problem does not come to the Court. Court does not dodge, but makes it efficiency for faster handling of the various parties.
Hamdan also explained who can be litigants in the Court, the settlement deadline in the Court, and the type of decision of the Court, court proceedings and so forth. Regarding inspection, Hamdan has breakthrough in the 2014 elections in the hearing panel to investigate the case in which no longer per political party, but by the constituency. “Because before I became Chief Justice, per panel in the case investigation conducted by political parties. "Because, said Hamdan, first run into trouble if checked by political parties in the electoral district by a different panel.
Former members of the Ad Hoc Committee I of the Working People’s Consultative Assembly is also expressed in every election anyone hoping to win. So anyone think won the election by the election organizer teasing way , then Hamdan appealed to every organizer and law enforcement is not easy to be seduced by the litigants. (hdy / mh)
Monday, November 18, 2013 | 16:33 WIB 122