Chief Justice: All Parties Must Respect Court Trial

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva asserted that the incident happened in the space anarchist Plenary Court yesterday, Thursday (14/11)afternoon, an uncivilized act and has damaged the democratic values ​​that should be maintained by all parties. Against the anarchistic action, said Hamdan, it also has to coordinate with the police to find the mastermind and investigate this case in accordance with the applicable law.

 “What happens is the act of one candidate’s supporters unscrupulous regional head , not respect democracy , and undermine the authority of the state , " he told the media crew at Space Media Center Court on Friday ( 15/11 ) morning . On the occasion, Hamdanis accompanied by the Secretary General of the Janedjri M. Gaffar.

According to Hamdan, it deeply regrets the incident occurred in the midst of efforts to foster political maturity and democracy in this nation. Because of what happened yesterday is a form of disappointment out of bounds. Of course there are those who were disappointed with the decision of the Court, but the Court also may not win all candidates or ordered Election Commission to vote over and over again until all couples were satisfied.

At the hearing yesterday , said Hamdan , the Court only endorsed Maluku KPU Decree on Re- polling results ( PSU ) in the eastern part of West Seram regency was held on July 30, 2013.

Previously, according to him, the Petitioner filed a petition case PHPU Regional Head of Maluku province that essentially asks implementation PSU. Based on the proceedings, the Court granted the petition through the Injunctions verdict ordered the Election Commission to hold the PSU Maluku in eastern West Seramregency. It is stated in the Constitutional Court Decision No. 94/PHPU.D-XI/2013 filed by Herman Adrian Koedoboen - David Sangadji.

 “However, after learning the results of the PSU as prescribed by the Election Commission of Maluku province, the applicant remains dissatisfied, and then asks the Court that the PSU can be carried out again for the second time. Such requests would not be possible to be granted given MK saw no significant breaches or violations in the implementation of PSU. After all, no PSU is held two times," said Hamdan.

Therefore it asked to the candidates and their supporters to respect the legal process that took place in the Court. If there is disappointment or criticism of the proceedings or decision of the Court,Hamdan invited stakeholders, including analysts and academics to assess,examine, and discuss it clearly and objectively. "(The results of the study) will be important to note improvement Court decisions ahead," he said.

"The candidate must be able to control the masses and sympathizers, including other parties involved in the trial Court, especially to comply with the court order. The candidate must also be aware of and able to provide insight to the masses and sympathizers that the proceedings in the Court in the context of settlement PHPU Regional Head is one of the mechanisms of democracy and constitutional law in order to bring democracy dignified and fair law, so the process must be preserved and respected as well as kept away from acts that lead to contempt of court," said Hamdan.

Although the trial was suspended for one half hour, according to Hamdan, it did not interfere with the proceedings in the Court. Suspension then was only to give time to the officers and security personnel to prepare for the next trial. “After the events of the anarchistic action, the Court continues to perform its constitutional duties again. The Court did not want the event longer hamper and interfere with the judicial process in upholding law and justice for the people seeking justice."

Hamdan said that the Court has taken an important lesson from the anarchist events and immediate concrete steps to prevent it from happening again. Starting next week, a new security system is enforced in the Court. The Court will further improve and tighten security court system with the identification and rigorous examination of all the litigants and the spectators. “We are sorry but there will be restrictions," Hamdan message. ( Dodi )

Friday, November 15, 2013 | 13:40 WIB 145