Constitutional Court to Commemorate the 85th Youth Pledge Day

Registrar and Secretary General of the Constitutional Court (MK) held the 85th Youth Pledge Day ceremonies on Monday (28/10). This time the ceremony was led by the Head of Finance and Personnel Rubiyo followed by all employees of the Registrar and the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court. Rubiyo on this occasion read written speech of the Minister of Youth and Sports on the 85th Youth Pledge Day Commemoration Ceremony Year 2013.

The 85th Youth Pledge Ceremony brings the theme "The Youth Pledge, We Realize that Humble Youth, Intelligent, Inspiring, and Achievement". As read by Rubiyo, the theme of bringing the message to Indonesian young people need to convince the world that the young generation of Indonesia while maintaining civility in the midst of moral values ​​and social changes that swept the world.

"We believe the Indonesian Youth retaining him as an intelligent young man in the midst of superficiality sympathetic and empathic sense, and resistance to pragmatic attitudes. Indonesian youths keep trying as an inspiring young man, and in a variety of conditions, strive and work hard to always excel," said Rubiyo read a written speech of the Minister of Youth and Sports.

Rubiyo continued the theme this time is meant to bring motion moral, social, political, and cultural Indonesian youth. The goal is that Indonesian youth have the skills and reliable performance to cooperate with ASEAN youths and able to bring the good name of Indonesia in the face of the world community.

"Politeness, intelligence, inspiring, and achievement of course, inevitably, must be supported by adequate scientific, disciplined, hard working and tireless. Those values ​​should be the lifeline of Indonesia to Indonesian youth can immediately alleviate themselves facing various problems in ways that gentle, friendly, but at the same time show performance scholarship, imaginative, and high quality," said Rubiyo which acts as a guide for the ceremony.

In a written speech which was signed by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Roy, was also declared this October Law 40 Year 2009 on Youth is in full effect. In the speech, Roy Suryo hopes that youth organizations can adapt to the Act.

In addition to remarks, in a ceremony this time also read the manuscript, entitled Youth Pledge Poetoesan Congres - Pemoeda Pemoeda Indonesia, 1945 Constitution Opening, and reading Pancasila ceremony was attended by all participants. ( Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh )

Monday, October 28, 2013 | 13:41 WIB 130