The existence of factions in the parliament is a thing that is absolutely necessary in order to strengthen the functions and duties of political parties that represent the people’s sovereignty. The Court agrees with the government that pays special attention to the existence of factions in the state budget through the budget allocation and budget.
The opinion of the judges of the Constitutional Court stated in its decision is final and binding on the refuse testing Political Party Law and Legislative Act proposed by Adi Warman as chairman of the National Movement for the Eradication of Corruption (GN-PK). According to the Court, in the exercise of popular sovereignty, the role of political parties is a necessity. The existence of fractions derived from the combination of various kinds of political parties is a logical consequence of the political system in Indonesia.
Opposite to the petitioner, the judges assess the existence of factions not just as members of political parties’ association container that sits in the legislature, but more than that, the existence of factions also facilitate decision-making in the legislature. "Fraction as a representation of political parties is also an articulation of the aspirations of the container concerned political parties that are part of the political aspirations of the people," said Anwar Usman. Although not part of the legislative body fittings, however, the Court argued that deliberations conducted between factions will facilitate decision-making by all members of parliament.
Thus, the Court agrees with the Parliament and the Government to decide the existence of factions in the legislative body of the institution, is absolutely necessary. "Reject the applicant’s request for the whole," said Hamdan Zoelva.
As known, the lawsuit was filed by the National Movement for the Eradication of Corruption (GN-PK), which questioned the existence of factions in MPR, DPR, Provincial Councils and District / City, which is part of the political parties and considered only a tool to dictate political party stands for board members so that the maximum cannot express the aspirations of their constituents. Assess the applicant does not deserve all the financing charged to the budget. (Julie / mh)
Thursday, October 17, 2013 | 19:31 WIB 117