Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva has announced the composition of Honorary Council of Judges of the Constitutional Court in the Constitutional Court building on Friday (4/10) yesterday. Establishment of the Honorary Council was conducted to investigate the Constitutional Court Justice Akil Mochtar, who also serves as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court. Earlier, on Wednesday (2/10) and then, Akil arrested by Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) for allegedly accepting bribes in election related matters.
Hamdan explained, the Court established the Honorary Council constitution that judges can focus on dealing with its constitutional duties. Hamdan explained further Honorary Council has a duty to address the issue of constitutional justice ethics, while the handling of criminal matters faced by Akil Mochtar, Court surrender completely to the Commission.
Based on internal meetings conducted five members of the Honorary Council on Friday (4/10) afternoon, Constitutional Judge Harjono believed to be the Honorary Chair and Professor of Law UI Hikmahanto Juwana appointed as secretary while other members of the Honorary Council is a former Chief Justice Mahfud MD, former chairman of the Supreme Court ( MA ) Bagir Manan and members of the Judicial Commission ( KY ) Said Abbas.
The media crews covering the event, Harjono explained Honorary Council working time limit is 90 days. The process of examination of Chief Justice Akil Mochtar also be coordinated with the Commission. (Ilham/mh)
Friday, October 04, 2013 | 22:17 WIB 207