Constitutional Court held Kerinci District Assembly Election Dispute filed by Candidate Ami Taher and Suhaimi Surah, Wednesday (2/10) in Court Panel. At this meeting, the applicant presented additional witnesses who revealed the involvement of civil servants in the winning effort of Murasman and Zubir Dahlan.
Iwan Effendi as the Head of Secretariat of the Supervisory Committee Sub District Siulak expressed civil servants’ involvement on the campaign trail of Murasman and Zubir Dahlan in Bukit Tengah on August 29, 2013. Iwan ensured the campaign when many civil servants were present, even delivered speeches on stage. "I see myself that many civil servants who come in during the campaign. There is a campaign shirt-consuming, there is a pin-consuming, and there are speeches on stage," said Iwan.
Meanwhile Ardinal who served as head of the regional work units of KORPRI Kerinci testified as a Petitioner witness. He said he had been asked to present at the Home Office as the Regent of Kerinci Murasman. In the event comes head on education and other agency heads who gets referrals from Murasman to make efforts of winning Murasman and Zubir Dahlan, one of them by making billboards containing the word "go on" is accompanied by photos Murasman.
At that time, it also claimed to have sworn Ardinal together head on education and other department heads to support and elect Murasman and Zubir Dahlan. Even according to the swearing Ardinal is done by using the Koran. "We swear by the Quran guided by Mr. Secretary. The oath of the ‘By Allah, I swear that I will support and family, choose, and the effort to win the Mr. H. Murasman as Regent of Kerinci for the second time in the period 2014-2019," said Ardinal mimicked oath that he spoke at that time. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh)
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 20:01 WIB 86