Government officials of Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) District denied all allegations and witness statements applicant. In essence, they denied involvement in one of the winning candidate, the Elected Candidate Rusdi Masse - Dollah Mando (RIDHO), during the implementation of Sidrap General Election 2013. Thus it is expressed in Session Case III No. 110/PHPU.D-XI/2013, Thursday ( 19/9 ) afternoon, at the Plenary Room.
The rebuttal one expressed by the Head of Department of Water Resources Management (NRM) Sidrap Imran Abidin. According to him, the Petitioners’ allegation is unfounded. "Nothing at all," he said. He confirmed that it has no interest whatsoever in the implementation of the General Election let alone support one candidate.
Instead, Imran said, he even suffered siege and had been threatened by one of the supporters of candidates, which in this case is the Petitioner. At that time, he said he was carrying out the task, but was intercepted by a mob carrying sharp weapons. He then saved himself by hiding in one of the houses. Until the police arrived at the scene and ensure the safety of himself.
Meanwhile, Head of Community and Local Government Village Government Sidrap, Awaludin Ramli, explaining ADD disbursements. He revealed that the delay in the disbursement of funds due to intentional or not ADD anything to do with the implementation of the General Election, but due to the fulfillment of the requirements as specified in this decree No. 2 of 2013 on Guidelines for Management of ADD. In essence, Article 15 states that the funds will be disbursed when the ADD has met some of the documents that have been required.
So, said Awaludin, testimony or related Petitioner ADD funds that deliberately delayed because there has been relation with the implementation of the General Election is not unreasonable. "Petitioner’s Witness is not true. There is absolutely no relationship with the General Election," he said.
At the same time, there were also members of the Regional Representatives Council ( DPRD ) and Hindi Tongkeng Sidrap Sutanto. In principle, they stated that the budget discussion in Parliament Sidrap , has been running well without deviation . "The whole process is run in accordance with the applicable rules," said Sutanto agreed by Hindi Tongkeng.
After listening to all the witnesses, the panel of judges headed by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar adopted the written evidence submitted by the parties. Henceforth, said Akil, the parties are required to submit conclusions Registrar of the Court and the Court was asked to wait for a call from pronunciation to the trial verdict. ( Dodi / mh )
Friday, September 20, 2013 | 05:24 WIB 153