Candidate number 3 Iti Octavia - Ade Sumardi, known as IDE filed a number of witnesses at the hearing disputed election of regional head Lebak District, Banten Province, Thursday ( 19/9 ). This couple denied earlier witnesses from couple Amir Hamzah - Kasmin, the applicant case 111/PHPU.D-XI/2013.
The constitutional judges led by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar, the witnesses presented by couple IDE denied applicant witnesses stating the involvement of government officials’ structural Lebak district to win IDE.
M. Yadi Maryadi, Organizing Secretary of the Association of Training and Courses Indonesia (HIPPKI) Branch Lebak denied Iman Wibowo information presented in the previous trial. Wobowo faith expressed regarding the direction from Dept. of Education Lebak, Asep Komar, who asked participants choosing IDE. According to Yadi, he himself as chairman of the Branch Council committee is inviting the Head of Education Lebak to open the activity, but Yadi asserted, Asep Komar was never asked to the participants to support Iti Octavia, daughter of incumbent Regent of Lebak, who partnered with Ade Sumardi.
While Rosdiana Toton, a civil servant teachers in Public Elementary School 02 Pasirtanjung, denied Petitioner’s testimony of several witnesses in the trial 18 September 2013 stating the Regent of Lebak, Mulyadi Jayabaya, has asked all teachers to support her daughter Lebak regency, Iti Octaviani, contestation that followed Lebak Election.
As for the district that has been intimidating people at the polls to choose IDE, it was denied by Agung Firmansyah stating this is not true. According to him , the district only directs citizens to use their right to vote correctly.
The next session will be held on Tuesday ( 24/9 ), to listen to the witnesses of the parties. ( Ilham / mh )
Thursday, September 19, 2013 | 15:12 WIB 132