It is untrue on happening abuse of authority resulting in the involvement of civil servants (PNS) of Probolinggo Local Government to support candidate number 2 Rukmini - Suhadak.
"And we as the attorney of the Related Party denied and rejected Petitioner’s argument," said Martin Hamongan, one attorney Related Party candidate number 2 Rukmini - Suhadak in the hearings on the city of Probolinggo 2013 Election Dispute in Court Panel, Thursday ( 12/9 ). This session is chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva and accompanied by Arief Hidayat and Muhammad Alim.
Related Party attorney also said that in relation to the involvement of the mayor to support the candidate number 2 by distributing groceries is not true. This is an annual program of the Government of Probolinggo present in the local budget in 2013.
While the Petitioner’s witness in the trial revealed that strengthens the argument petition. Wisman, successful team of candidates look at the television shows that broadcast the parliament building that Mayor Probolinggo Buchori told to choose Rukmini on 29 August 2013.
While other Applicant witnesses there is rice distribution by a team successful candidate number 2 Rukmini - Suhadak up with Mayor Probolinggo Buchori performed in almost all Sub District Wayangan. In addition to distributing rice, Mayor Buchori also intimidated the staff to support the candidate number 2 Rukmini as his wife.
Kris Hariona, advocacy team candidate number 3 Zulkifli Khali – Maksum said that there was not sealed ballot boxes in four villages, namely Kebun Sari Kulon village , Wayangan Village, Sukoharjo Village , and Kedung Galeng Village of Sub District Wonoasih, and key / lock ballot boxes from polling stations around damaged. In addition, there are seals; bearings and needle election are beyond the ballot box. It has thus been reported to the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Probolinggo and still under investigation.
As we know, the case was filed three candidates. The first applicant is candidate number 1 Dewi Ratih - As’ad Ansari registered with number 105/PHPU.D-XI/2013. Secondly, candidate number 3 Zulkifli Khalik – Maksum Subani registered with number 106/PHPU.D-XI/2013 and last number is candidate number 4 Hadi Zainal Abidin - Kusnan with number 107/PHPU.D-XI/2013.
Violations as their argument, among others, to abuses of power, money politics, intimidation, partiality of organizer, choose more than two times, and other fraud in the General Election 2013. The petitioners asked the Court to annul the Commission Decision related to the determination of Probolinggo candidate elected mayor and vice mayor, and perform re- counting of votes in all districts as the city of Probolinggo to disqualify candidates Rukmini - Suhadak and Related Party. ( Panji Erawan / mh )
Thursday, September 12, 2013 | 16:52 WIB 155