Kediri Election Dispute: The Parties Deny Each Other

Constitutional Court held a hearing election dispute result of regional head of Kediri in 2013, Thursday (12/9). On that occasion the judge led by M. Akil Mochtar had subjects listen to the petition of the Petitioner candidate Samsul Ashar - Sunardi, Respondent’s response (Kediri Election Commission), and the response of the Related Party (elected candidate Abdullah Abu Bakar - Lilik Muhibbah ).

Through their attorney, Syamsudin Slawat, Petitioner revealed that the main legal issue contained in the petition is related to the political contract made by the Chairman of the Related Parties as RT and RW Kediri. The political contract, he said, is in the form of a letter agreement between Abu - Lili to the board of RT / RW. "Contents that candidate number 6 is promising 50 million per RT if they are elected as mayor," said Syamsudin.

Worse yet, said Syamsudin, most of the signatories to the contract also served as member and chairman of Organizing Group Ballot (KPPS). Therefore, it was strongly suspected in the presence of the political contract strongly influence the votes of the Related Party in various areas. "The indications are that the polling stations witnessed the signing of the contract of votes candidate number 6 (Related Party) significantly increased while the vote of the defendant is less significant," said Syamsudin.

Therefore, Petitioner asks the Court to disqualify the Related Parties in Election Kediri 2013, or at least ordered the Respondent to vote again in a few villages in the three districts and polling stations.

Reject Petitioners’ argument

While Respondent through legal counsel Syarif Hidayatullah has denied several Petitioner. One is related allegations blockage or removal of citizens’ constitutional rights by failing to provide polling stations in several hospitals. "This argument is groundless and we will prove it later."

According to Syarif, it will be proved that the applicant has achieved the sound in some hospitals. "This proves that Kediri Commission services as the organizer by facilitating the implementation of voting in the hospitals have done well and properly," he explained. "Later, we prove that the applicant wins in some hospitals postulated as the offense."

Sharif explained that the Commission has provided TPS Kediri in a radius of about 50 meters from the hospital. This, he said, is intended to simplify and provide maximum services to employees, physicians, patients and residents including Kediri town to vote for the implementation of the General Election.

In principle, Syarif said it rejects all other Petitioners, such as the intimidation of witnesses and the applicant related to storage of ballot fraud. This argument, he is not a strong argument, so it asked the Court to reject it. "We just want to point out that Kediri Commission has seriously well organized, safe, orderly," he said.

On the other hand, Related Party attorney, Nurbaedah, also has denied allegations by the Petitioner. According to him, Petitioner related contracts for politics and for the money is not true. "In the agreement there is never a political contract terms," he added. "It is a program, which is a program of community empowerment in every environment. It is not distributed money."

After listening to both parties, the Court then scheduled the next hearing on Monday (16/9) at 11:00 pm. Agenda of the next session is to listen to applicant witnesses. Applicant states will bring as many as 20 witnesses. ( Dodi / mh )

Thursday, September 12, 2013 | 16:56 WIB 115