A total of 50 students from the Faculty of Law of the College of Law Muhammadiyah, Kotabumi, Lampung, perform field work visit to Constitutional Court (MK). The visit takes place at Constitutional Court building received directly by Constitutional Court Justice Muhammad Alim, Friday (06/09).
During the visit, Alim describes the authority and obligation as Constitutional Court justice agencies to organize a democratic state court to uphold law and justice to the nation. There are four competencies of the Constitutional Court, which is to review the Act toward the 1945 Constitution, the state agency the authority to decide disputes, dissolution of political parties, and the last election was decided the case, both the legislative elections, President and Head of Region.
While the obligations, the Court shall make a decision on the opinion of the House that the president and / or vice president is alleged to have violated the law or reprehensible actions. "If the House has the opinion that the president should be dismissed, the Court first had to go through the process. The Court is assessing whether the president should be dismissed or not?" he explained.
Moreover, Alim also explains the vision and mission of the Constitutional Court, which the Court is to realize the vision of the state of law and democratic ideals for the sake of nationhood and statehood dignified. And, in its mission is to realize the Constitutional Court as one of the reliable judicial authority and establish the constitutionality of constitutional awareness and culture of Indonesia.
Previously, Alim clear to students that the law may be generalizing, but justice should not generalize. "Law and justice should not be generalized, because a lot of differences that must be understood, such as sandals and corrupt thieves. They are legal to be confused as a thief, but the thief sandals fairness and justice corruption clearly different," he explains. (Panji Erawan / mh)
Friday, September 06, 2013 | 15:43 WIB 217