Sobari which is in his daily touch with many cigarettes employers home has known exactly what kind of difficulties faced by the craftsmen of cigarettes with high cigarette prices set by the government in order to meet the provisions of the Law on Regional Tax and Retribution."
It’s all just a matter of business war!" said Sobari spontaneous courtroom listening to testimony as an expert witness / applicant and the government, on Tuesday (09/03/2013). Sobari testified as an expert along with expert Petitioner, namely Laica Marzuki in case number 64/PUU-XI/2013.
According to Sobari records, in many countries, Indonesian clove cigarettes occupy top positions in his choice of the most preferred cigarettes of the world community. Therefore, foreigners continue to turn off the Indonesian clove industry. Even stranger is the effort made to persuade the religious organization in Indonesia to issue a smoking fatwa. "Foreign investors continue to switch off Indonesia’s clove industry has worldwide cigarette manufacturers as a result they lost, even in his own country. Because they want to master the business of Indonesian clove," explained Sobari.
Similarly, representatives of the Association of Employers smoking, Hasan Auli said the high price of cigarettes has threatened the existence of the cigarette industry in Kudus City. Price of cigarettes is expensive triggered double taxation that comes from cigarette taxes and local taxes. Even in 2009, the Holy tobacco industry threatened to death because of the manufacturer’s total middle class home is bankrupt because it could not cover production costs. He said he hopes the government can take a wise step to save cigarette manufacturer in order to save millions of workers who depend on the tobacco industry.
In response, the government promised to provide written answers and presenting expert that will be presented at its next session on Thursday, September 12, 2013. Parliament had called the high price of cigarettes in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to most other countries in Asia Pacific. In addition, the high price of cigarettes is expected to reduce the number of smokers of childbearing age. (Julie / mh)