To strengthen the arguments of the petition, couple Immanuel Blegur - Taufik Nampira (INTAN), as Petitioner in case number 104/PHPU.D-XI/2013 filed witnesses in the advanced trial of Alor Regency Election Dispute, Thursday (08/29/2013). In a session led by Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, Petitioner’s witnesses testified about various violations in the General Election.
Petitioner’s witnesses stated that there were leaflets discrediting Imanuel Blegur - Taufik Nampira. In addition, the issuance of Decree (SK) of appointment 2500 temporary servants become Civil Servants (PNS) and money politics are conducted by incumbent, Simeon Thobias Pally paired with Nasarudin Kinanggi, known as couple PELANGI.
According to Johy Jahya Blegur, Alor Regent Simeon Toby has been doing politics money by providing some assistance to the seven churches in the campaign. While Abdul Majid Lobang, John Manilani , two part-time teachers, the publication describes the decree on the appointment of part-time teachers as civil servants . As delivered by Abdul Majid, he saw firsthand the incumbent regent said it will issue honorary decree appointing teachers. Top of Regent’s revelation, Abdul Majid said he went to Alor Education Office to clarify and correct copy of the decree see that his appointment as a civil servant. Remarks were also delivered by John Manilani.
In addition to the matter of issuance of Decree 2500 208/Kep/2013 about the appointment of part-time teachers , John Manilani also explained the appearance of dark leaflets in residential areas and polling stations ( TPS ) on polling day . The statement also said by Yan D. Lokunuha, Agrippa Botauw and Krisitian Mosali.
Petitioner’s witness statement was denied by the Related Parties, Simeon Thobias Pally - Nasarudin Kinanggi, by proposing a number of witnesses in the trial this time. Melkson Beri, Head of Legal Department Alor, said never issued a decree appointing temporary teachers questioned by applicant. According to him, the Decree Number question by Applicant concerning training resources, Melkson further revealed the appointment of part-time teachers SK is Applicant is under registration on August 10, 2013.
Melkson statement corroborated by testimony Regional Secretary Alor, Octo Lasko, who explained the procedure groove issuance of Decree regent. According to Octo he had never received a draft decree is meant by the applicant, because every decree issued regents must be initialed by him as secretary.
In the trial judges approve the constitution also evidence presented by the parties. The next hearing will be conducted for the pronunciation of the verdict. (Ilham/mh)
Thursday, August 29, 2013 | 18:46 WIB 132