Faculty of Law Students Bandar Lampung University Visit the Court

Students of Faculty of Law (FH) University of Bandar Lampung visit Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (26/8) afternoon. They received by Court researcher Fajar Laksono Soeroso.

"Constitutional Court was established by the third amendment of the 1945 Constitution," Fajar said when opening the meeting. Fajar explained, at the beginning of 2000 the Constitutional Court is a constitutional phenomenon worldwide, not only in Indonesia. Constitutional Court as the tendency of countries shifted from authoritarianism to democracy.

"Usually the constitutional amendment is to accommodate the Constitutional Court. Even in the countries of Eastern Europe Soviet Union, so amend the constitution, in which ideas come in Constitutional Court," Fajar explained to students.

As a result countries shifted from authoritarianism to democracy was established Constitutional Court, both in the sense of standing alone outside Supreme Court and became part of Supreme Court (MA). "The Constitutional Court outside the Supreme Court as initiated by Hans Kelsen, which in turn affects many countries when amending the constitution," said Fajar.

"Almost all members of the Working Committee of the Assembly agreed to form Constitutional Court. The issue was whether the Court stands alone or be one of the rooms in MA. At that times many who want the Court to be one of the rooms at the Supreme Court," said Fajar.

Furthermore, according to orders of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court had already formed in August 2003. Then the House and the Government agreed to set up the Constitutional Court on August 13, 2003 through Act 24 of 2003. 

Thus, said Fajar, Constitutional Court is now a decade old. Court gait for a decade, was instrumental in the development of law, democracy, legal breakthrough, which has been very useful, and help the development of Constitution of Indonesia.

Fajar explains further, some time ago M. Akil Mochtar oath as Chief Justice. "Chief Justice was not sworn in, not taken oath as state officials another. But Chief Justice took oath before the Constitutional Court, "said Dawn. In the Law of the Constitutional Court stated, "Before taking office, the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Court took the oath before the Constitutional Court". On August 22, 2013 and held by the Plenary Session of the Special Court Chief Justice swearing agenda.

"In particular there is a plenary session of the interesting things that Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. Over the last ten years gait MK, most notable that the Court considered a very important role, because the Court has the authority. Mainly because there is no instrument that could force the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court. Nevertheless, all the decision of the Court held, implemented, adhered to, respected," said Fajar. (Nano Tresna Arfana / Devi Arlina / mh)

Monday, August 26, 2013 | 18:40 WIB 139