Constitutional Court held a Special Plenary Session of Constitutional Court Oath Pronunciation M. Akil Mochtar as Chief Justie of the Constitutional Court term 2013 - 2016, Tuesday (20/8) at Plenary Room. The trial was presided over by Judge Muhammad Alim. It was attended by all the judges, Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Registrar, Court officials, and invited guests.
The oath is based on the results of the Consultative Meeting (RPH) to select Chief Justice from 2013 to 2016 tenure held on Monday (19/8), by nine constitutional judges. In this RPH, Akil was elected by acclamation. "Elected by consensus agreement," said Alim.
According to Article 4 Paragraph (3) of Act 8 of 2011 concerning Amendment to Act 24/2003 concerning Constitutional Court stated that, "Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice of Constitutional Court elected from and by members of constitutional judges for a term of 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months from the date of appointment. "So, Akil Mochtar would be served by such provisions.
As known, Akil has previously served as Chief Justice through the process of voting in Plenary Meeting of Chief Electoral Court on Wednesday (3/4) last. Re-election of Chief Justice of Constitutional Court made in connection with Akil Mochtar tenure ended on August 16, 2013. However, Parliament decided to extend Akil Mochtar’s term of office as a judge until 2018. (Dodi / mh)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 | 15:04 WIB 109