Chief Justice Gave Public Lecture at Pakuan University of Bogor

Since the beginning, the founders of this country have chosen as democratic political system of state government. That is, since the beginning of democracy is also believed to be an appropriate system to deliver this country to the ideals and objectives.

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court M. Akil Mochtar in scientific speech in the context of Public Lecture at the Faculty of Law, Pakuan University of Bogor, on Saturday (20/7) yesterday under the theme "The role of the Court in the Consolidation of Democracy Post-Reform" which was initiated by the Faculty of Law, Pakuan University and in collaboration with Legal Studies Program Graduate Pakuan University held at Supomo Hall, Pakuan University.

In a further development, Akil said, democracy practiced by very dynamic over time. In fact, democracy ran and performed in ways that is not the same in different regimes. The practice of democracy in the Old Order is in contrast to the practice in the New Order. The similarity of the two is the meaning and practice of democracy is different from the essence of democracy verily. In the reform era, more democratic practices as antithesis of the previous practice so that in this era of reform we have agreed to say democratic experienced a spectacular leap.

There is no denying, academic studies have found the facts and evidence that the weakness of the Act of 1945 turned out to contribute to hamper the realization of democratic government. Because of this, the 1945 Constitution should be changed. Presumably, no political reform without constitutional reform. That is, changes in state politics necessitate changes in the constitution because the constitution is the basic guidelines state administration. Once approved, the 1945 Amendment confirms that the normative level, democracy showed encouraging development, in which common indicators essence of democracy has been met.

Akil said that the civil liberties aspects, as we all know, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and association, and freedom of religion and worship according to their beliefs have been guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. "In the context of balancing democracy and that’s the law, then the Court acts oversee the consolidation of democracy. Through the four powers and duties granted by Dasa Act, 1945, the Court contributed to the consolidation of democracy," he explained.

The Court has four authorities: judicial review, the authority to decide disputes between state institutions which the authority given by the 1945 Constitution, dissolution of political parties, and the goal should decide disputes concerning the election. While the obligation of the Court is to give a decision on the opinion of the House that the President and or Vice President has violated the law or moral turpitude or does not qualify as the President and or Vice President as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution.

Before ending his speech, Akil Mochtar conveyed the message that will seek to remind and reiterate to us all that we want to uphold democracy is sourced and based on the 1945 Constitution, no other democracy.

Therefore, as the guardian of constitutional institutions, the Court will continue to take a strategic role in overseeing the consolidation of democracy within the limits of its constitutional authority. This is done to assist in realizing the ideals and objectives of the Indonesian state based on the 1945 Constitution.

In a public lecture was also attended by the Vice-Rector of the Academy Oding Sunardi, Dean of the Faculty of Law Iwan Darmawan, City Government, lawyers, police officers, and the academy faculty of Pakuan Bogor University, as well as S1 and S2 students of the Faculty of Law. ( Hidayat / mh)

Sunday, July 21, 2013 | 21:31 WIB 170