The Constitutional Court (MK) resumed Election Dispute hearing of Tual, Maluku, on Thursday (11/07/2013), with the agenda of the session listening to witness testimony presented by General Election Commission (KPU) and Related Parties, couple Mahmud Tamher-Adam Rahayaan, incumbent Mayor-Deputy Mayor of Tual, known as couple Mutiara.
Witnesses presented by Tual City Commission entirely are Chairman of Sub district Election Committee (PPK) in Tual City Election. Siti Sarkol, Chairman PPK Kur Islands, describes the implementation of a plenary meeting in District recapitulation. According to her, only witness candidate number 2 absent, while witness from Baharudin Farawowan-Abet Teflageni (Baret), witnesses from Usman Tamnge-Arsyad Nuhuyanan (Utusan) Petitioner in case number 83-84/PHPU.D-XI/2013, and Mutiara witnesses present at recapitulation at the district level. Siti revealed that none of the objections raised by witnesses.
South Dullah PPK Chairman, Ghozali Husni Uar, explained the process of recapitulation which took place on June 15, 2013 in the district of South Dullah. According to him, the witness from couple number 1 and 4 submit objections regarding the way of writing data on the voter polling stations (TPS) 02 Keceblak, but the issue has been resolved at the level plenary meeting of the Voting Committee (PPS) Tual village. Although considered finished, but the issue was again raised by couple witnesses of Baret and Utusan in South Dullah PPK plenum.
Kudus Nuhuyana, North Dullah PPK Chairman, in a statement explaining the constitutional judges, led by Judge Hamdan Zoelva, no objections were raised by Baret witness and Representative on the absence of an invitation to witness a couple of candidates in the PPS rate recapitulation, but witnesses does not explain where the PPS. Kudus added a copy of the results of recapitulation still given to all present candidates witnesses, although only Mutiara witness who signed recapitulation copy.
No involvement of civil servants
Meanwhile, witnesses offered by Related Party, Mansur Latar, staff Municipality Community Empowerment Board-Village Government denied Petitioner witnesses in the trial on Thursday (10/07/2013), the distribution of rice to the poor, or rice Raskin. Mansur said the geographical conditions of Tual which is forcing the government of the islands distribute subsidized rice per three months to save distribution costs distribution of rice.
Meanwhile, Head of the Regional Employment Agency (BKD) Tual City, Ahmad Yani, revealed no involvement of Civil Servants (PNS) in the campaign of one candidate. Ahmad Yani confirmed, it has circulated warrants on civil servants to maintain neutrality. The allegations against the applicant regarding the attendance of civil servants in the event of the delivery of the vision-mission of all candidates in the hall of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD), according to Ahmad Yani presence of the civil servants in order to meet the invitation of Parliament.
The next hearing will resume on Monday (07/15/2013) to continue the examination of the witnesses presented by the Petitioner. (Ilham / mh)
Thursday, July 11, 2013 | 18:12 WIB 126