Eddy Wirabhumi accompanied by legal counsel Harahap Zairin delivered improvement request in point gain legal status (legal standing) suggested as the judges of the Constitutional Court at the beginning of the trial. Zairin reaffirmed the position of his client as Keraton Surakarta heirs who feel aggrieved over the enactment of the Establishment of Central Java Surakarta as eliminate special status.
According to both, Central Java Province Establishment Act has given a different treatment before the law. This is evident from the use of Act No. 10 of 1950 as the basis annexation Yogyakarta Special Region in Central Java province, while the Special Region of Yogyakarta made to the Act itself, namely Law No. 3 of 1950. Surakarta Special Status legally regulated in Government Establishment. 16/SD 1946 and Vice President of the letter dated 12 September 1949. As a basic law enacted Law No. 10 of 1950 is Law No. 22 of 1948 on Regional Government.
"And to this day, no single article or clause in the law that states the elimination of Surakarta status as a special region. Thus the determination of the status of the main features of Surakarta government is legitimate in the eyes of law," said Zairin Harahap before the judges.
Keraton Surakarta parties deplored the attitude of the central government who deny the privilege status of Surakarta, with "align" Surakarta together with other areas, such as Semarang, Pati, Pekalongan, Banyumas and Kedu to merge entirely into the province of Central Java. Supposedly according to Petitioner, privileged status makes Surakarta different, as the status of Special Region of Yogyakarta. (Juliette / mh)
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 | 16:00 WIB 140