South Sumatra Election Commission Witness Affirms Election without Problems

The witnesses presented by the Electoral Commission of South Sumatra Province (Respondent) and Candidate Alex Noerdin-Ishak Mekki (Related Party) denied Petitioner’s arguments in the case Number 79/PHPU.D-XI/2013 and 80/PHPU. D-XI/2013 on trial continued on Wednesday (3/7) morning, at the Plenary Court Room. According to the Respondent’s witnesses, who are all Election organizers, stated that the implementation of the South Sumatra Election Year 2013 has been going well and smoothly.

"Alhamdulillah implementation began in TPS (polling place), then recap in PPS (Voting Committee), recap in PPK (District Selection Committee), as well as a recap on the KPU district running smoothly, there is no objection from the witnesses," said Banyuasin Commission member Irma Cristiana.

According to Irma, there is no problem with the ballot boxes used during the General Election. Of inventory as much as 6,880 boxes ballot box, which is used for the General Election is a 3900 box. "Box is in good condition and could be used. There is no problem. Nothing was broken," she said.

It was also confirmed by other witnesses, Novriansyah, Musi Rawas Election Commission member. "From the beginning to the final implementation the election runs safely and smoothly."

According to him, despite the written objections of witnesses mandate Candidate Number 3 Herman Deru-Maphilinda Boer (Case 79), but the objection is directed to Related Parties. "The gist of their objections, that couple number 4 using budget funds, intimidation, and all sorts," he said. "We considered not related to recap our results," he said.

Meanwhile, the three witnesses of the Related Parties to provide information with regard to the distribution of the motor to the official accusation Employee Assistant Registrar of Marriage (P3N) by Governor Alex Noerdin (Related Party) are using Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) for the victory. Actually, according to the Secretary of Forum Communications Assistant Registrar of Sumatra Marriage Counseling, Ismail Fahmi, it has absolutely nothing to do with Election or support of the Related Parties.

According to Ismail, the motor division is a grant from the government of South Sumatra originated from the idea of Forum Communications to the Governor of South Sumatra. "It was our consolidated results in 15 districts / cities," he explained. "Because groan-moan the P3N Sumatra governor for help to the father, then we convey to the father of the governor."

The motorcycle division, said Ismail, carried out in six stages. Subject will parcel motors, announced at the orientation and friendship P3N South Sumatra. At that time, 500 people attended a P3N Sumatra. "There, there is no word of the Governor to succeed, let alone to win (Candidate) Number Four. Governor appeals to the P3N, serving the people, educate the young generation," he mimicked Alex Noerdin when opening ceremony.

In addition, he also acknowledged the division of a sum of money for the participants on the occasion. "When I came home, we love them transport money amounting to Rp 250 thousands."

As for the other witnesses, Abuzilin and Joni, said about the distribution of basic necessities and money to the community by the Applicant Case No.. 79. Joni witness stated, he and five others, has received each of them money amounting Rp 50 thousands. "Of Herman Deru," said Joni mimicked the words people who give him money.

After hearing the testimony of witnesses of the parties, the Panel Session, led by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar still going to continue the examination of witnesses on tomorrow, Thursday (4/7) at 14:00 pm. (Dodi / mh)

Wednesday, July 03, 2013 | 13:42 WIB 140