UII students Visit the Court

Head of Pancasila Education and Constitution Guntur Hamzah receive visit of Students of Indonesian Islamic University (UII) on Monday (24/6). On that occasion, Guntur explained on the Constitutional Court (MK).

Guntur said the Court as a judicial institution that emphasizes fairness. Moreover, further Guntur, MK is a modern judiciary. "A judiciary and has the function of maintaining and guarding the Constitution (instrument of government)," he said.

Additionally, Guntur said the constitution is the supreme law of a country. The Constitution contains provisions that limit the provisions of the state and set up public relations with the state. "The Constitution is the main pillar that governs relationships and citizens. All countries must have a constitution, though not with the Court," he explained.

As a judicial body, the Court established as a unity between judges, court reporting and secretariat. The unity in order to achieve the mission and vision of the Court. "As an institution, the Court has the vision and mission. Vision Court upholding the constitution and democracy for the sake of people’s lives with dignity and components of democracy and the rule of law and the law of the country with dignity," he said.

Asked about the decision of the Court, Guntur review decisions of the Constitutional Court as a positive law, although the position of the Court as a negative legislator. This, further Guntur, the decision of the Court should be run.

"Decision of the Constitutional Court against a law shall be final and binding because there is no legal action that cannot be reached. Due to be implemented, then it becomes a positive law. This is because the law deliberately formed, and the decision of the Court deliberately designed and created intentionally," he said. (Lulu Anjarsari / NRA)

Monday, June 24, 2013 | 20:43 WIB 122