PAS Petition Denied, Pasti-Kerta Leads Bali

Dispute of Election Result of Bali in 2013 were filed by couple Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga-Dewa Nyoman Sukrawan (PAS) rejected the Constitutional Court (MK). Pronunciation of the verdict in the trial Court on Thursday (06/20/2013) afternoon, states reject the entire request.

"To declare the applicant rejected in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar accompanied by other constitutional judges, when reading the verdict Decision No. 62/PHPU.D-XI/2013 in Plenary Room.

PAS postulates in his petition regarding the voters who voted more than once, and voters are represented. Against this argument, the Court argued, voters who voted more than once in the context of the family and do not represent the manipulative, it was proven in court. But it has been done in previous elections and never questioned so acceptable. The voters who voted more than once with manipulative motivation is not justified and should be further processed by the legislation in force. So according to the Court, who represented the voters, do not significantly alter the number of votes in the General Election of Bali Province.

In addition, PAS also postulated that the Bali Provincial KPU opening ballot boxes in Buleleng regency, three days after the recapitulation. According to the Court, the opening of ballot boxes by Buleleng Regency three days after the recapitulation announced the provincial level, there is potential and not proven to alter vote totals established and announced in advance.

Then the argument of PAS of violations that are structured, systematic and massive (TSM), according to the Court, the arguments in the form of money politics TSM, intimidation, mobilization of civil servants, and directing voters to choose Made Mangku Pastika-Ketut Sudikerta (Pasti-Kerta), candidate number 2 in the General Election of Bali, is not proven. Evidence and facts that brought couples PAS in court regarding the violations referred to, is not enough to convince the Court. Facts revealed in the trial, more precisely PAS pair proved on more than one occasion voters or voters are represented.

Thus, according to the Court, the application for PAS pair unproven and unwarranted by law. "Principal petition unproven and unwarranted by," said M. Akil Mochtar. As a result, in the ruling, the Court rejected the petition stating PAS in its entirety. (Panji Erawan / NR).

Thursday, June 20, 2013 | 19:02 WIB 218