The Constitutional Court (MK) held a trial verdict of two petitions in Sawahlunto Election Dispute, Tuesday (18/6). Two cases are numbered 58/PHPU.D-XI/2013 and 59/PHPU.D-XI/2013 respectively filed by Couple No. 5, Fauzi Hasan-Deri Asta and Couple No. 3, Erizal Ridwan-Emeldi. The second petition is declared wholly rejected by the Court because Petitioner did not petition both partners legally proven.
"The verdict, hearing, stated. In the Exception, reject the Respondent’s exception and exception Related Parties. In the Principal Application, rejected the petition in its entirety," said Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar.
In the Court’s law consideration of the request of Fauzi Hasan-Deri Asta, the Court declared the Petitioners’ argument about the abuses that are structured, systematic and massive that Petitioner did not affect the vote proved convincingly. Therefore, the Court also clearly stated the Petitioner’s arguments are not unreasonable under the law.
Described in the Court’s legal reasoning, Fauzi Hasan-Deri Asta’s argument regarding Sawahlunto Commission efforts that do not transparent in logistics revenue Election cannot convince the Court. The Court also cannot categorize the voters who are not enrolled in the DPT and so cannot do the voting as a violation of a structured, systematic and massive. The reason, of facts revealed in court voters have meant that identity card can be used to vote. Moreover, voters who are not enrolled in DPT cannot be certain to select the Applicant that the argument who stated that there is a significant loss to their vote.
Meanwhile the petition of Erizal Ridwan-Emeldi, the Court stated its legal considerations do not find convincing evidence that Petitioners’ argument is true. Previously Erizal Ridwan-Emeldi postulated Sawahlunto Mayor had deliberately ordered his staff to win one candidate. After listening to the testimony of the various parties, the Court did not find conclusive evidence that the Mayor has done Sawahlunto coercion or violation structured, systematic, and leading to massive efforts to curb freedom of LPM Meeting participants to choose a particular candidate.
Campaign that included Mayor Sawahlunto, according to the Court, it should have gone through the procedure; the Mayor is listed in the Related Party Campaign Team (Ali Yusuf-Ismed). Moreover, Sawahlunto Mayor has asked permission to leave following the campaign is approved and stipulated in the Decree of the Governor. Thus, the Court is Petitioner’s argument is not unreasonable under the law. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh)
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | 17:39 WIB 88