Chief Justice Accepted Canadian Ambassador Visit

Constitutional Court Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar was accompanied by the Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar accepted a visit from the Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia, Donald Bobiash, in  the 15th floor of the Constitutional Court building on Monday (17/05).

During his visit, Donald said, that Canada and Indonesia are working together. Canada by Donald will continue to cooperate with Indonesia, in terms of both economics and law. Donald also said that he wanted to know about democracy and development in next year’s elections. "Can the judge give an explanation about constitution democracy and development in the elections that will take place next year," he said.

Responding to these questions, Akil said that democracy in Indonesia continues to evolve toward democracy that can improve the lives of the people of Indonesia. Therefore the Court will continue to monitor and try to keep Indonesia’s constitutional democracy. "Indonesia since 99 years has renewed the Act of 1945, which expressly states that ‘Indonesian democracy is a constitutional democracy’," said Akil.

Related to the 2014 election, Akil explained, the newly amended 1945 Constitution states that elections are conducted continuously every five years. And the holding of elections, whether presidential or legislative elections held by an independent institution. Unlike the elections held during the New Order government. New election takes place four times after this reform; the Court had a role to perform specific verification and determination of the appropriate candidates with authority.

In addition, Akil also described the authority of the Court to examine the laws of the 1945 Constitution and adjudicate on the dispute of authority of state institutions. The Court also decided the case disputes the results of the general election, both the president and vice president and head of the region, and the latter the Court may decide the dissolution of political parties. While the obligations, the Court must make a decision on the opinion of the House that the president or vice-president is alleged to have violated the law in an act of treason, corruption, bribery, other felonies, and or no longer qualifies as a president and vice-president or referred to in 1945 Constitution.

Donald also questioned about religious freedom in Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia, a lot of ethnic tribes and customs, as well as adherents of different religions, but they can walk side by side. Akil said that freedom of religion is the main foundation of the formation of Indonesia’s independence. Therefore, in 1945 had guaranteed to the religion in Indonesia although the majority religion is Islam. "While in Indonesia majority population are Muslims, but we always walked side by side with other religions, because we always maintain and respect other religions," said Akil.

In the end of the visit, the Ambassador of Canada Chief Justice invited to attend Canada’s Independence Day celebrations on Thursday (27/6). (Panji Erawan / mh)

Monday, June 17, 2013 | 20:29 WIB 193