Chief Justice Receives Wahid Institute

Wahid Institute director Yenny Wahid and his entourage visited the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (29/5) afternoon. Their visit is received directly by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar, who was accompanied by Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar on the 15th floor.


"Our visit to the Constitutional Court as sowan, as well as following up on previous meetings with Mr Mahfud on several programs. Ideas that have been implemented are seminars on tolerance and religious freedom in Indonesia," Yenny said on that occasion. 


The next program, said Yenny, plan booklets published on the official religions in Indonesia, the relevant decision of the Court of Act No. 1 of 1965 on the Prevention of Abuse and / or blasphemy.

 "We will raise the issue and we took the initiative to publish. Sure, if only based on the referral itself, the book is a complete lack of reference," Yenny said.


Therefore, Yenny requested input to the Chief Justice that the book will have the feel of a more serious that would be material for many studies. According to Yenny, published an important book that pocket. Because there are many people, including officials need to know the decision of the Court some time ago concerning freedom of religion in Indonesia.

"There are still a lot of confusion and discrimination against religion because it is still based on the old law," said Yenny.


Regarding the plan to the pocketbook, said Akil Mochtar, the Court basically welcomed the idea and discussed cooperation will publish the paperback book.

"The problem of making the pocket book we submit to the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, can be discussed more technically anything could be designed and worked together. Including the Constitutional Court`s decision related to blasphemy law, a matter of socialization and so on," said Akil.


"Regarding the follow-up, the forums what we can use, for example, whether the launch of his book, socialization, distribution and so on will be discussed later," said Akil.


Akil said to another, the right to believe in a religion is a matter which cannot be reduced. A basic conception as it not only provides outreach to the community. But it also expressed in a broader context through politics.


"The Court as an institution cannot speak other than in the context of the decision. Decision of the Court to everything, including state agencies also provided," says Akil.



Akil continued, Chief Justice and the judges of the constitution is already involved socializing the decision of the Court. However, says Akil, through cooperation publishing pocket book on the official religions in Indonesia, will be much more freely. Remember, one of the problems of the people of Indonesia at this time, how to protect the different faith communities. "Especially the groups personally or belief minorities," said Akil. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 | 15:49 WIB 221