Petitioner Withdraw Petition on the Review of Police Act

Court granted Sri Royani’s petition, Pasir Mas resident, Bandung which decides upon the judicial repeal the Police Act which have been detrimental to their rights as citizens to obtain justice.


Revocation of the petition which was based 37/PUU-XI/2013 registered number because it has been the achievement of an agreement between Sri and the West Java Police, acting in good faith with open lines of communication in order to resolve outstanding issues amicably purchase of land previously deadlocked and protracted up to 3 years.


Ruling of the Constitutional Court in its writ was read directly by Akil Mochtar, declared, and granted the withdrawal of the petition. Applicant cannot resubmit the application for judicial examination of article 35 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Act 2 of 2002 on the Indonesian National Police, under the 1945 Constitution.



With the withdrawal of the petition says Akil, Petitioners cannot re-file the petition. (Juliette / mh)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 | 19:53 WIB 203