Constitutional Court Researcher Abdul Goffar received a visit from students of Janabadra University to Court on Tuesday morning (28/5). In face-to-face opportunity this time, Goffar choose to open an interactive Q & A space with the students.
He started his presentation by explaining the four main functions and duties of the Constitutional Court which is reviewed the Act against the 1945 Constitution, the authority to decide state agencies disputes, disputes the results of the election and dissolution of political parties as well as the opinion of the House to decide on violations that led to the president`s impeachment.
The Court in its journey has produced many decisions in favor of the interests of citizens. He pointed out that last month; the Court granted the petition filed by individual citizens who feel aggrieved because of bank secrecy customer data for the benefit of the court. In its decision, the Constitutional Court judge, bank secrecy should be opened and informed for certain parties immediately concerned for the creation of justice.
But personally, Goffar wants the customer data should also be accessible to the public, so that people can know the amount of the addition of one`s wealth before and after occupying a particular position. This is especially considered important for the prevention of corruption. "But again, this is my personal opinion and not the opinion of the Court. Everyone should be able to see the amount of funds saved, so it can also be used as shock therapy for the corrupt," said Goffar. He added that the transparency of banking secrecy is important to be accessible by the whole society. "If you just look at it it`s okay, as long as not taken. If taken, its called robbery, "joked the immediate laughter from the students.
He added, as a judicial body, the Court can only be passive and wait for Act petition. "Although the law is clear and imminent harm citizens, however, the Court cannot be proactive in reviewing of the Act. MK just wait it out a request comes in," he concluded the meeting. (Juliette / mh)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 | 19:29 WIB 134