Swiss German University students visited Constitutional Court and were met by Judge Hamdan Zoelva, Monday (27/5).
On occasion Hamdan explained history of the Indonesian constitution. Hamdan said, in the way the Constitution had experienced no significant deviation in accordance with the consent of the people. This has led to the reformation because of the betrayal of the constitution.
"There are deviations occured revolutions or reform in Indonesia. This arises because there is considered treason against the constitution," said Hamdan.
To ensure and safeguard the Constitution, said Hamdan, done by forming the Constitutional Court. According to Hamdan, the greater the power, the greater the abuse may occur. "That is why the task of the Court, in order to guard the constitution is actually run," he said.
Hamdan went before the Amendment of the 1945 Constitution, there is no institution that can ensure the constitution is run as did the Court at this time. This case, Hamdan continued, resulting in constitutional ruler construed as desired.
"As president rules (in office) for life, it was only in 1999, under the 1945 Amendment, the Constitution should not be interpreted decided by the authorities, but by the judiciary, the Constitutional Court," he explained.
Hamdan also explained about the competencies of the Constitutional Court, including testing of the 1945 Act, to decide the disputed election results, the authority to decide disputes between state institutions, dissolve political parties as well. "The obligation of the Court, to decide the House of Representatives hearing on impeachment President / Vice President. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)
Monday, May 27, 2013 | 19:46 WIB 167