M Alim Received Sharia Faculty of STAIN Salatiga Students

Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim received a total of 32 study visits Ahwalul Syakhsyiyyah students or faculty of Sharia Islamic High School (STAIN) Salatiga, at the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (05/27/2013).

To the students, Muhammad Alim explained that the law and justice is something different. According to this man born in Bugis that the law leveler, while justice should not generalize. Against these differences, Alim give an example, the law determines the same penalty for the crime of theft. But in terms of justice, someone who steals from hunger punishment should not be equated with those who steal because they want to add to his property.

Alim further explained the position of state institutions such as the People’s Representative Council (DPR), and the President of the Constitutional Court which is parallel position. Therefore, the Court in the case of judicial review of Law (UU) which is compiled by the House of Representatives and the President just declared contrary to the Constitution or not. According to Alim, the mechanism is a consequence of Indonesia as a democratic state based on the constitution.

One of the participants responded to questions regarding the handling of cases in the Court, Alim explained until now no one obstacle or interference in the Constitutional Court in handling cases. Alluding case handling elections disputed and the regional head election, Alim stated that the Court had to interpret disputed election results or the General Election is not just counting problems alone, but also affecting the results of the implementation process of the candidates.

Answering the question of how the Court proceedings, proceedings in the Court Alim affirmed no charge at all, and any lawyer or anyone can be a lawyer without having to join a professional organization of Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi). (Ilham / mh) 

Monday, May 27, 2013 | 16:51 WIB 243