Muhammad Alim Receives Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University Students

Approximately 120 students from the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Central Java, accompanied by their lecturers visited the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (13/5) morning. Their visit was welcomed by Muhammad Alim, in ground floor of the Constitutional Court building, Jakarta.

On the occasion, Alim explains briefly about the state of law and authority given to the Court. According to him, Indonesia is a country where the law of the country in the hands of the people’s sovereignty and implemented in accordance with the Constitution. In addition, he said, that Indonesia is a democratic constitutional state or a democratic state, where the practice of law and the interests of the public.

Then, Alim also explains the judicial power. Where, according to him, was committed to uphold the rule of law and justice. But, he added, is not synonymous with legal justice. The law is not justice leveler while. "Applying that justice should not generalize," he said.

Furthermore, Alim elaborated on the authority of the Court. There are four Constitutional authorities. First, testing legislation against the constitution, called the constitutional test (constitutional review). Then the second authority is dispute the authority of state institutions whose authority given by constitution. "For example, if there is a dispute between the DPR and DPD authority, since both institutions are granted authority by the Constitution. In any dispute, all parties felt right. Nonetheless right side cannot be determined by the parties," said Alim. 

Third, the authority to decide on the dissolution of political parties. In this dissolution of political parties, he must be filed by the Government to the Constitutional Court. That is because in order to be proven whether or not petition the Government about ideology, principles, objectives, programs and activities of the political party that is considered contrary to the 1945 Constitution. And lastly, dispute election results.

However, Alim said there is one authority that has not been entered in the Court today. The prosecuting authority is the dissolution of political parties. "All authority has been implemented, however, to the authority of the dissolution of political parties no matter who comes in at the Court, because the government can file only," explained Alim in front of the participants who came from West Java.

In addition to the authority, said Alim, there are liabilities held by the Constitutional Court, which gave judgment on the opinion of the House that the President and / or Vice President has violated the law, or moral turpitude, or does not qualify as the President and / or Vice President referred to in 1945 Constitution. For this case, has not been addressed by the Court because there is no such application. (Utami Argawati / mh)

Monday, May 13, 2013 | 12:54 WIB 196