The trial of disputes election result of East Nusa Tenggara Province again held the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (21/4). Candidate Ibrahim A Medah - Melkias Laka Lena is Petitiner in case 29/PHPU.D-XI/2013. This session is chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Ahmad Sodiki accompanied by Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Harjono in Plenary Room.
In the trial, East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Election Commission presented three witnesses. One of them James M. Tuka is a member of the NTT Election Commission. James denied the removal of C1 form using type-x or eraser. "It was not there because the organizer (NTT Election Commission) does not provide the eraser," he said.
James explains that happened was a mistake and has been corrected in the writing of the CO level. NTT Provincial Election Commission, said James, may not receive a Form C1 wrong. While writing about the effects of added A2 A3 A4 with, James explains no impact whatsoever on the issue of the election vote totals NTT. "The correction is done by applying two lines on the wrong numbers, and then changes the numbers on the right side. Then to be signed," he said.
Meanwhile, Yakoba as a member of the Commissioner of the Southwest Sumba Commission, explains implementation recapitulation in Southwest Sumba running on schedule on March 19 to 20 2013. During the last plenary, according to Yakoba, no objections were submitted by the applicant witnesses. "In the Southwest Sumba no one writing in the form C," he explained.
As for the argument of the voters who voted in the last reaches 100% at 10 polling stations, Yakoba explains it is true. "From DPT, according to search, it did come all," he said.
Related parties also presented witnesses who denied the petitioners’ argument violations committed by the Related Parties. According to witnesses the Related Parties, none of Petitioner’s witnesses on the ground who witnessed the process of recapitulation has objected.
Applicant through his attorney Benjamin Tungga explained that the applicant failed to qualify for fraud committed by the Election Commission of East Nusa Tenggara by manipulating the results of the ballot counting recapitulation considered beneficial partner Frans Lebu Raya, incumbent Governor of NTT.
In addition, the applicant also questioned the Commission did not provide a copy of NTT recapitulation in a number of polling stations in South Central Timor and Sumba Southwest to the Applicant witnesses, so the applicant does not have comparable data results of the vote count. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 | 11:49 WIB 105