State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta wins the Constitutional Debate Students Competition 2013, after defeating the University of Padjadjaran Bandung in the final round which took place in the hall of the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (22/04). The theme of the final round of the debate this time is "The selection of the Regent / Mayor by the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD)"
From the beginning of the competition begins, UIN Yogyakarta who gets the position counter to the topic of the debate, several times affirmed his opinion of the importance of the general election regents / mayors directly as execution substantive democracy. Responding to political issues due to the cost of direct elections, UIN Yogyakarta wearing a green jacket alma mater states that it is a matter of implementation problems and not because of the concept.
However, this opinion was denied by the Padjadjaran University team that gets the position of "pro" on a topic of debate. Padjadjaran University thinks UIN Yogyakarta basis questioned, according to Padjadjaran University team consisting of Aisyah Ramadhania, M. Adnan Yazar and Ilham Maghribi, implementation issues election regent / mayor is the case, such as the violation of the principle of direct elections, public, free, confidential, honest and fair, intimidation and abuse of power, politics and money, a lot happened because the concept of democracy is wrong. According to the team that wore a dark blue jacket alma mater, the regent / mayor by Parliament does not violate the concept of democracy, because the constitutional rights of citizens can be represented by members of the legislature.
UIN Yogyakarta who appeared calm and not provoked by the statements expressed in Padjadjaran University team consisting of Alfan Alfian, Rifki Putra Kapindo, and Proborini Hestuti states, parliament based on statutory provisions that exist are part of the local government, so it does not make sense if a fellow executive conduct polls to elect himself.
After the competition, Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar stated in his speech, "Competitions like this is important to be held, one of them as being the most effective media to increase understanding and awareness of the community, in this case through the student, the Pancasila and the Constitution."
According to Akil, people’s understanding of the significance of Pancasila and the constitution is absolutely necessary for the continuation of life of the nation. "Through this competition, we sought to raise public awareness of Pancasila and the Constitution and Pancasila as our orientation in the state," said Akil.
For information, the Constitutional Debate Competition Inter University Students of Indonesia 2013 attended by 24 universities in Indonesia, which is divided into eight groups. Competition takes place on Friday, April 19 until the final on 22 April 2013, UIN Yogyakarta always get option as counter team, who recognized by one of UIN students, Proborini Hestuti as something magical and the Will of the Almighty God. (Ilham / mh)
Monday, April 22, 2013 | 16:42 WIB 172