Palopo Election Commission’s Witness and Couple JA Denies of Violations

Accusation from Haidir Basir - Andi Thamrin (HATI), Petitioner in case 30/PHPU.D-XI/2013 on Election Dispute of Palopo concerning the existence of violation eventually denied by the General Election Commission (KPU) Palopo, as well as couple HM Judas Amir - Akhmad Syarifuddin (JA), the Related Party in this dispute.

In a session led by Judge Hamdan Zoelva, Monday (22/04), both the Commission and couple JA through witnesses who proposes it denied Petitioner’s about the systematic violations, and massive structured or so-called STM, as well as in engineering calculations vote on polling stations (TPS) in some Palopo districts.

As disclosed by M. Pismal Ismail, chairman of the Election Committee (PPK) Wara, the process of counting the ballots in the recapitulation of Wara district on March 30, 2013 was delayed, due to a recommendation from the election supervisory committee (Panwaslu). According to Pismal Ismail, recommendations by the delay incurred due Supervisory Committee Supervisory Committee is conducting evidence of the alleged violations in the ballot counting of Wara district, as reported by team HATI. Pismal explained, finally it declared recapitulation Supervisory Committee at the district level can be continued, because there was no breach in the recapitulation at the polling station level.

Other Election Commission’s witnesses, chairman of PPK East Wara, Junaid, explained there has been attack to East Wara PPK office by HATI supporters, so the implementation of recapitulation in East Wara which was originally held on Saturday, June 30 at the office of the Palopo Commission had carried out on Sunday, December 31.

In strengthening the argument about the legality of the election organizer, HATI as the applicant presented an expert, Safi ‘, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Trunojoyo University. According to Safi ‘, organizers election should not be abusing his power. "Because there should not be someone who benefited due to violation, and should not be harmed by the violations committed by others," he said. Further Safi ‘opinion, the results of the General Election held by parties who are not authorized are illegitimate, and should be canceled.

At the end of the trial, Judge Hamdan Zoelva informed the parties that the inspection process is considered sufficiently, and the next hearing will be held for the pronunciation of the verdict. (Ilham / mh)

Monday, April 22, 2013 | 19:58 WIB 82