The second session of dispute of Election Result of Merangin Regency held back on Tuesday (16/4). The trial with the petition Number 28/PHPU.D-XI/2013 petitioned by Syukur-Fauziah is chaired by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar, accompanied by Maria Farida Indrati and Anwar Usman in Plenary Room.
In the trial, Regency Merangin represented by Indra Lesmana refuted all the arguments expressed by the applicant. According to Indra, applicant was error in determining the application (error in objecto) because the applicant did not request to cancel Merangin Regency Letter No. 30/2013. "So in the opinion of the Respondent, the petition has been wrong object," he said.
Indra explained Merangin election administration has been running well. This is because the participation of community participation in the voting which reached 81%. "So with that indicator, the implementation has gone well," he explained.
Not only that, Indra denied any violations committed by Respondent because there is no reporting of the Supervisory Committee of Merangin Regency of violations committed by the Respondent. Applicant argued a violation of the regulatory domain to follow up on it. "There were no objection witnesses regarding the results of the vote count," he said.
While the occurrence of violations in 15 districts, the applicants in the description does not describe the violations. Indra continued the argument was just making it up without any legal facts. "Neither the DPT updates because Respondent did updating accordance with applicable rules of the DPS to DPT witnessed by the Supervisory Committee and candidate witnesses," he said.
It is also revealed by the Related Parties in the Applicant any express exception set application object (error in objecto). Then the existence of a structured offense, massive and systematic, it does not affect the vote Petitioner and the Related Parties. "If there was fraud that harm the Petitioner does not affect the vote Applicant with Related Parties as the difference reaches 21,000 votes," he said.
Additionally, Petitioner argues that the mobilization of the Supervisory Committee, KDP, the village, the village, and organizers of the election by a certain candidate. In addition, several decrees issued by the Winning Team of Candidates Drs. H. Nalim, S.H. and H.A. Salam H.D., as the incumbent Period 2013-2018. "The letter of the board of management of the winning team of Bangko district level, it was found the active involvement of civil servants," explained Luthfie. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 | 18:13 WIB 118