After injunction in dispute of election result (PHPU) District. Morowali, Central Sulawesi Provincial Election Commission submitted report on the implementation and results of re-election voting Regent and Vice Regent Morowali in 2013 in the Meeting Room Panel, 4th floor, Building the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (10/4). In its report, the Commission stated all stages of Central Sulawesi province re-election as instructed in the interim decision the Court has done. Anwar Hafid-Marunduh has been gotten the most votes, which is 56.6 percent of the valid votes.
Central Sulawesi Province Election Commission’s commissioner M. Yasin Mangun submitted implementation report and result of re-election before a panel of judges chaired by Achmad Sodiki. Furthermore, Yasin said that the Central Sulawesi Provincial Election Commission did not updating voters list (DPT). This was done in accordance with Commission regulations No. 09 of 2010 which states in the second round of the General Election was not done updating the data. "DPT is not changed, Your Honor. DPT used on election date of 27 November 2012, the 147 301 voters. So the numbers still are not ordered as well as the Court’s ruling," said Yasin.
Based on Central Sulawesi Province Election Commission’s Decree No. 01/Kpts-PSU/III/2013 it was expressed Morowali Regency re-election carried out simultaneously at 457 polling stations throughout Morowali on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. "Voting activity occurred from 07:00 until 13:00 local time and lasted safely and smoothly," said Yasin.
Yasin then stated preparation Minutes and Summary of Results Counting of Votes at the district level are carried out by the Election Commission of Indonesia Open held at the Plenary Meeting, dated March 22, 2013.
"Since the three members of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Election Commission can not resume duties, powers and obligations of the Re-Election Ballot Stages Regent and Vice Regent Morowali Year 2013 because Article 33 paragraph (1) of Law no. 15 of 2011 on the General Election, the Commission requires that the Plenary Meeting of Provincial and Regency / City KPU valid if attended by at least four members of the Provincial KPU and Regency / City as evidenced by the attendance list.
Problem takeover was confirmed by the Commissioner of the Commission of Indonesia. Juri Ardiantoro said KPU RI commissioners sent five people to qualify quorum plenum. Juri also said the implementation of Morowali Regency re-election have high voter turnout, as many as 72 percent of the DPT. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | 18:38 WIB 129