Petitioner on Judicial Review of Act on Advocate Revised Petition

Judicial review of Act 18/2003 on Advocates - Case No.26/PUU-XI/2013 - held back on Thursday (4/4) afternoon. Session agenda was revised petition filed by Rangga Lukita Desnata, Panji Mustika Alam, Elvis Kabangga, Raja Junjungan Tanjung, Randy Anggara Putra, and others.

As it was known, the Petitioners questioned the explanation of Article 16 of Act 18/2003 whole phrase "the trial court" did not include protection to lawyers outside the court as did subpoena, conduct negotiations, gave a press statement, made the announcement well in print media, electronic media online and so on, as well as criminal and civil matters are.

Petitioner Rangga Lukita Desnata described things pertaining to additional legal arguments in the previous application.

"Here we add, for example, the Legal Aid Act, relating to legal aid itself, protected inside and outside the court. For that we should have also asked for protected outside the court, as legal aid providers in the Legal Aid Act," explained Rangga.

"I think that’s the most principle issues in our application," Rangga added to the panel of judges, led by Justice Anwar Usman.

Before the session ended, the Constitutional Assembly is pleased to approve the evidence presented by the Petitioner in terms of Evidence P-1 to P-7. "We think the evidence is fairly complete," said Anwar Usman endorsed the Petitioner’s evidence.

"Your Honor, if we are given an opportunity at the next trial, we want to show an impression on the criteria appropriate legal counsel protected outside court," pleaded Rangga.

"I see, but we see progress. The results of this trial we will report to the Consultative Meeting, whether the petition should proceed to trial or plenary panel session alone was enough to take the decision. This will be reported by the clerk, including your requests," said Anwar Usman.

"Thus, the trial court subsequently declared completed and closed," said Anwar Usman, accompanied by Muhammad Alim and Arief Hidayat. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh)

Thursday, April 04, 2013 | 17:29 WIB 114