The trial on judicial review of Act No. 30/2009 on Electricity entered the fourth session on Thursday (4/4). The trial registration number 9/PUU-XI/2013 case was held at the Plenary Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Building the Constitutional Court (MK) with the agenda to hear testimony from the applicant. The witnesses of the Petitioners submit that in their homes had no electricity flowing to their homes each. The Petitioner’s witnesses also expressed in the area they live very much found of coal that could be material powerhouse.
Petitioners’ witnesses M. Said is also the head of Danau Indah Village, Batu Licin sub district, Tanah Bumbu Regency tell since 1979 have never felt the presence of electricity. Said claimed he have been using generator with fuel of oil. However, often times the fuel needed to power the generators in the village of Great Lakes are difficult to obtain. Said reveal all the villagers, exactly as many as 3 RW, do not have electricity. "Sometimes the fuel existed, sometimes not. In my place, part of it which has a generator, "said Said, who also said in the village office where he also has not been connected with the flow of electricity resulting work is often hampered and delayed.
Said also revealed that some residents in the village using oil lamps for lighting. Said to tell, one of the residents who use oil lamps had experienced fires. At that time, told Said, son of one of its citizens was studying for the National Exam preparation using oil lamps. However, the lamp fell and directly burned all textbooks of the child. "The children want to test when it is lost all the ingredients exam due to fire," told Said that he was concerned and regrets his village has yet streamed electricity when the distance his village to the city is only 6 miles.
Sunarno, Petitioner’s Witness who is also the Head of Maju Mulyo village, Mantewe sub district, Tanah Bumbu regency convey that he is a citizen of migrants since 1981 and since that year the village has not felt the flow of electricity. Since the beginning of his term in 2008/2009, Sunarno often claimed to have submitted a proposal to get electricity to his village. However, until now Maju Mulyo Village still does not have electricity. "I once attended a meeting BAPEDA, there are 70 villages in Tanah Bumbu that had no electricity," said Sunarno.
Sunarno also said the same thing as Said that in Maju Mulyo Village Office also not powered. During this time, Maju Mulyo Village is without electricity by using generators. In fact, since 2007 in the office of Maju Mulyo Village already provided computer facilities. "We sometimes have swollen the village budget, Your Honor. Due to serve a single sheet letter to the citizens we must look for gasoline everywhere. A liter of petrol now has 10 thousand per liter, Your Majesty," said Sunarno who also has five times the computers at Maju Mulyo Village suffered damage due to the use of generators is not stable electricity flow.
Sunarno also said he had offered the use of Solar Power Plant. However, Sunarno saw Solar Power Plant was in a neighboring village, Manunggal village, only able to produce small amounts of electric power, to the point to turn on the TV just cannot.
Another Petitioner’s Witness was Thamrin Ritmaja who served as Jombang mayor, Satui District, Tanah Bumbu. Thamrin said that in his village were not fed electricity to date. In fact, continued Thamrin, distance trails provincial village with only 7 kilometers. Lane provincial road itself was without electricity. "Sir, we do not feel the pleasure of power. In fact, sir, in our area, Satui District was granary energy, sir. Barn coal because there was company Coal Mine PKP2B, sir. There were three companies there, sir," said Thamrin.
The trial of this case has been continued because the government wants to present witnesses and experts. The next session is planned to be held at 11.00 am, on 11 April 2013 with an agenda to hear witness testimony and expert from the Government. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh)
Thursday, April 04, 2013 | 17:17 WIB 210