The Constitutional Court rejected the entire petition in Case No. 18/PHPU.D-XI/2013 regarding dispute of election result of Puncak Regency, Papua Province, on Tuesday (26/3) afternoon. Petition was filed by Candidate Regent and Vice Regent Number 5 Elvis Tabuni - Titus Emanuel Adopehan Hery Dosinaen.
In its decision the Court stated, exception of Puncak Regency Election Commission (Respondent) unwarranted by law. "Respondent Exception regarding the petition contradiction between the arguments of the other arguments was grounded in the law," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD.
"After Court had examined carefully the arguments of the petition to Pogoma District and Ilaga District as described above found that there were discrepancies in the legal fact or vagueness of the vote each candidate in these two districts. In fact in the petition can be read on page 10 to page 31 are mentioned in item 4.2.1 to 4.4.5," said the judge.
Because Petitioners’ argument between conflicting and contradictory propositions one with another proposition, the Court stated that it should assess and consider written evidence / literature and testimony of the witnesses presented by the applicant or by Respondent and Elected Candidate Willem Wandik - Repinus Telenggen (Related Parties) associated with Petitioner concerning Pogoma District and Ilaga District.
Furthermore, the Court was convinced ballot in four villages in Sinak district, namely Kampung Jigunggi, Amulume, Kumikomo and Weni use the agreement system (noken). "The sound of the two villages, namely Jigunggi and Kimikomo unanimously voting to Related Parties, while two other villages, namely Amulume and Weni, public to vote for another candidate, namely Amulume Village community to vote for the Petitioner by 200 and Related Parties as many as 1021. The community of Weni Village gave votes to the acquisition Candidate Number 2 by 1 vote, Candidate Number 3 by 1 vote and Related Parties as 1932 votes," said the Court.
As for intimidation and shootings by OPM, the Court does not believe the argument because Chief of Resort Police of Puncak Regency by a written statement dated March 18, 2013 received in the Registrar’s Office on March 19, 2013 the Court has not found any indication of a shooting by armed civilian groups (OPM) with regard Election District peak. "In the Basic Case, refused the petition for all," said Mahfud. (Dodi / mh)
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 | 22:08 WIB 135