Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Mohammad Mahfud MD, received the Eleven March University (UNS) Award 2013 Parasamya Adi Karya Anugraha Yustisia Baraya in open Senate session of the 37th UNS dies natalis, in UNS campus auditorium, Monday (11/03/2013).
UNS Rector Ravik Karsidi said award of award has been through rigorous selection stage. In the selection made by the board of professors UNS, there are nine award recipients at the national level. But the options fell on the Mahfud MD figure. "Mr Mahfud MD achievement has been seen by people," said Ravik.
Furthermore Ravik explained, the track record is fairly resounding Mahfud, particularly in the field of law, where Mahfud is committed to a defense and law enforcement in Indonesia, with a firm and transparent. "The figure who had been a member of Parliament and Minister of Defense in the National Unity Cabinet, grace prestigious deserve it," he said.
As Professor of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ravik said the award is more on a personal one. Only, Mahfud today, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court and Chairman of the Board of Trustees as well as a growing UNS raise prestige in law enforcement. This award is the highest award UNS in the development of social science. "Mahfud MD proved to be consistent and have a high commitment and significant progress in the rule of law in the country," said Ravik.
Award for Constitutional Court
Meanwhile, in an open session of the Senate to the 37th UNS dies natalis, Mahfud MD said the award was both a tribute to the constitutional judges. As long as he feels its job is never alone. "This award is a tribute to all as well as constitutional judges, and secretary general and registrar of the Court. They deserve with me this gift," said Mahfud.
For me personally, he felt proud and honored to have been designated to receive the award. In fact, he was doing the ordinary.
"I want to say, I do them for granted because that’s what I need to do as an officer. Perhaps, because I work normal, the other is not normal so I can award," he said.
Law as a commander
In scientific speech on the theme of Law Enforcement in order to Improve Competitiveness and Excellence Nation, Mahfud said that at least two important advantages in facing the nation that strengthening the competitiveness of nations and the rule of law.
State of Indonesia is currently experiencing a decline in competitiveness. The decline in competitiveness caused by three factors: infrastructure, bureaucracy and corruption, all of which are related to the fact that law enforcement is weak.
According to Mahfud, law enforcement is an important and crucial phrase to boost and reinforce the competitiveness of nations.
Mahfud found, at least two broad reasons that the law is supreme in law enforcement. First, the law is the abode of policy values to achieve a noble goal, which is necessary in social life, namely fairness, certainty and expediency. Second, the law is limiting the power itself, so that the law limits the powers and actions of the authorities.
In scientific oration before the UNS academicians and officials, political leaders and community leaders, the other major cause Mahfud calling the nation’s competitiveness problem is the emergence of a new political leader without vision. Their presence, according to Mahfud, mostly just aiming to enjoy the occasion and the opportunities for corruption are not earned in the past. This according to him is due to the failure to reform the legal system. "Successful reform of the legal system will produce a strong leader," he added.
In his view, strong leadership does not need to be contrasted with a powerful system. "A strong normative system may not be effective if it is controlled by weak leadership and indecisive. Strong leadership also cannot be equated with the authoritarian leadership, arbitrary, and cruel treatment. Strong leadership is leadership that has a decisive character, fast, effective and accountable," Mahfud explained.
In the end his speech, Mahfud invited to all students as well as the participants, for each fix themselves always be the best and build a country that has a high social value and stand above the law. "The law in Indonesia should continue to be improved further for justice in society and nation itself," he concluded.
Open as the top Senate hearing Anniversary of the 37th UNS dies natalis, Monday (11/3), at the Auditorium UNS Solo, Central Java, was attended by a number of national figures. Among them are the Minister of Education and Culture Mohammad Nuh, Golkar politician Akbar Tanjung, Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo, Solo Mayor Hadi Rudyatmo, and UNS alumni and academics. (Heru / Hendy)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 | 15:30 WIB 180