Complementing the literature on a Mahfud MD, constitution Press (Konpress) launched the book " Mahfud MD Biography, Terus Mengalir" on Monday (4/3) in the Hall of Court Building. The launch of the book written by senior journalist Rita Triana Budiarti was attended by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD and constitutional judges are also several other state officials, including People Consultative Assembly Taufik Kiemas, Chairman of DPD Irman Gusman, Chief of Supreme Court M. Hatta Ali, Chairman of BPK Hadi Purnomo and Chief of Judicial Commission Eman Suparman.
On that occasion, it was also held discussions with four speakers, the Vice Chairman of the Assembly Pramono Anung, former Constitutional Court judge Laica Marzuki, humanist Emha Ainun Najib, and Academics Hikmahanto Juwana. Pramono Anung expressed his opinion about the figure of Mahfud MD. According to Anung, Mahfud is a leader that is egalitarian and candid.
"Even the leadership style of Pak Mahfud was picking up the ball, as in the case of Refly Harun. No one covered, but open, even inviting people to come. Indeed, that is the style of Mahfud egalitarian force in leading the Court," said Anung in a discussion moderated by Rosiana Silalahi.
Meanwhile, Laica Marzuki said Mahfud took part in the Court along with other constitutional judges has brought renewal. Mahfud, continued Laica, perform ijtihad by conducting various legal breakthrough. "For example, the use of ID cards in the election. MK has penetrated what was theorized by Hans Kelsen on MK. This is good and done with courage and save the Constitution," said Laica.
The 615 pages of the book examined the journey of life Mahfud and prepared within a period of five months. This book comes from intensive interviews with Mahfud MD and a stack of news clippings about the pursuit Mahfud MD since I was critical academics, defense minister, members of Parliament, to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Mahfud.
In this biography, the life story of a figure summarized Mahfud MD from childhood to growing up in Yogyakarta. When referring to the Trias Politica theory hatched John Locke, Mahfud MD is a figure that is "complete", because you never fill all the positions in the branches of power. In the executive branch, he had served as minister of defense, while the legislative branch, he never wrestled in the House. And now the Chairman of the Constitutional Court which is the judicial branch of power. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)
Monday, March 04, 2013 | 18:46 WIB 222