Papua Election Commission Denied the Alleged Election Violations

The trial court continued dispute of Election result of Papua on Wednesday (26/2) at the Plenary Court. Case was registered with the Registrar of the Constitutional Court No. 14, 15, 16 and 17/PHPU.DXI/2013 filed by Abel M. Suwae and Yop Kogoya, Menase Robert Kambu and Blasius Adolf Pakage, Noakh Nawipa and John Wob, and Barnabas Suebu and John.

In this session hear the Respondent and the Related Party and Proof, Papua Commission denied all the arguments expressed by the Petitioners. Responding to postulate a change DPT by Respondent, Respondent was represented by legal counsel, Budi Setyanto. He revealed no serious violations that harm democracy in Papua, including the implementation of the General Election when counting in the polling station level, PPS, KPPS to Election Commission. Furthermore, the Respondent after opening the CD that contains the DP4 it amounted to 2,412,233 voters while.

"Respondent clarified the difference in the number of provisional voters. Where is it used? And provincial officials used to explain the data given in the CD. After updating the data on August 3, 2011, the Respondent obtained for a total of 2,703,843 additional provisional voters," explained Budi.

Then, Budi continue because of a dispute with the Commission the authority of the Parliament of Papua Papua province in MK, then no additional amount of 1.1 million voters while voters while limiting the number of DP4 to 2.775 million. Furthermore, Budi said the recommendation from Jayapura Election Supervisory Committee the contents so that the Respondent increased the number of voters. "Election Supervisory Committee requested that the amount be added 7690 voters again," he said.

While it is related to the argument of the petitioners that the system is not in accordance with the guidelines noken (technical manual) Commission, Respondent explained that the guidelines are not binding on the Commission, especially for people in Papua in particular voters who live in the mountains. "This is because the indigenous people and the other one have a way of voting in the election using noken system. Commission guidelines only help the people of Papua, especially in using noken system," he explained.

Not Enough Support

Related Petitioner Case No.17/PHPU.D-XI/2013, Barnabas Suebu and John, Papua KPU not pass them as candidates due to insufficient support from the political parties that support sound. "The applicant only has 3 seats sound equivalent to 5.6%. That should support at least 15%, "said attorney Respondent.

While the Related Parties express vague petition because Petitioner requested to cancel the Counting Minutes is not the authority of the Court. In addition, Libert Iso Kristo as the attorney explained to the Related Party ballot noken, according to the General Election free and fair. "The applicant must prove the involvement of the Related Parties Related Parties or prove how controlling Respondent to verify," he said.

Related parties also disputed the argument that the Related Party are mobilizing against civil servants. Libert said Petitioner used some regents to campaign without permission.

In a previous hearing the arguments of the petitioner revealed that breaches structured, massive and systematic made by the Respondent and the Related Parties in the implementation of the General Election in Papua province. The petitioners questioned the addition of DPT, abuse noken systems, voice bubbles to win and did not escape the Related Party Petitioner Case No. 17/PHPU.D-XI/2013 a pair Election candidates Papua. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 | 18:09 WIB 138