Election Commission of South Sulawesi Province Denies Petitioner Allegations

Lawyers for Electoral Commission of South Sulawesi Province (Respondent), Mappinawang, denied Petitioner allegations, H. Ilham Arief Sirajuddin - H. Abdul Aziz Qahhar Mudzakkar (candidate no. 7). According to him, the petition blurred. "Despite its title questioned KPU Decree 43/Pilgub/Kpts.a/KPU-Prov-025/I/2013, but the description does not at all question the recapitulation," said Mappinawang.


According to him, the Petitioner did not spell out any causal relationship between the alleged frauds with the vote. Moreover, the applicant does not designate where there has been a violation of that petition to request a vote re disqualify and unreasonable law.


Earlier, in his petition, Petitioner Respondent judge is doing partiality by passing couple number 3 i.e. Adi Rudiyanto Asapa and Andi Nawir Pasinringi that the Petitioner did not meet the support of political parties. Please note, that by virtue of the registration form contained in B1 KWK, names contained bearers of political parties there are 19 names of political parties, although not all signed and sealed. As for the pair number 3, he added, there are 19 political parties and all have been signed and stamped by the chairman and secretary. "How Petitioner alleged position," he said before the panel of judges, chaired by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD.


In addition, Mappinawang also answered accusations Petitioner states that Respondent cheating in 13 districts / cities without an invitation, and so forth. According to him, the Commission has been doing our best efforts to encourage all citizens are entitled to vote in accordance with their voting rights activities. "Arguments are speculative because it is not based on data and facts," he said.


Another response is also spoken by the power of the Related Party, Rasyid Alam Perkasa Nasution, the petitum (demands) that the Applicant was not a petition referred to in Article 6 of Regulation of the Constitutional Court (MK) No. 15 of 2008 on Guidelines for the hearing. The petition in question is a petition to disqualify any Related Parties. While the cancellation of sanctions as a candidate or applicant termed as a disqualification under the provisions of article 64 and article 65 of 2005 in conjunction with the rules of improvement can be explained only if the candidate found guilty of money politics.


Meanwhile, the allegations of fraud are structured, systematic and massive that occurred in 13 districts / cities Petitioner argued, according to the five districts / cities applicant actually superior to the Related Parties. This proves that there is no causal relationship with the outcome of the vote for each candidate. While the 8 districts / cities only argument of the applicant. "Arguments applicant unproven and unreasonable law," he said.


Witnesses presented by the applicant are as many as 27 people, but only 15 people who can testify. "If you do not choose number 2, I do not give you Raskin," said one witness Jumali. According to him, the threat is told by the village head in the mosque.


Jumali added other witnesses also gave a similar description and explain the participation of village officials in campaigning. After hearing the testimony of witnesses and then Chairman of the Panel scheduled a further hearing. "The trial was continued Friday (15/2) at 08.30 pm," he concluded. (Utami Argawati / mh)

Friday, February 15, 2013 | 10:10 WIB 113