The Election Commission (KPU) of Pagar Alam City considered violating the voting. Candidate number 9 Septiana Zuraidah - Bambang Hermanto filed to the Constitutional Court (MK) on Thursday (7/2). Registrar of the Court registered the application with number 8/PHPU.D-XI/2013.
Through their attorney, Fuadi Helmi expressed objection to the KPU Decree on Establishment of Pagar Alam 01/kpts/kpu.kpa/2013 Election Vote Count Results of City of Pagar Alam Year 2013. According Fuadi, KPU has violated Pagar Alam structured, massive and systematic. "Respondent violated Section 22E of the 1945 Constitution, especially the addition of a certain candidate ballot," he said before the judges of the Constitutional Court are headed by Deputy Chief Justice Achmad Sodiki.
In addition, Fuadi explained that the Respondent had printed ballots intentionally exaggerated. The number of voters in the voters list (DPT) City of Pagar Alam Election Year 2013 was 98,368 and as many as are prescribed by law the number of printed ballots as the number of voters plus 2.5% to spare. However, further Fuadi, in fact the number of ballots printed and received by the Respondent of the printing exceeds the amount of currency select plus 2.5%, which is over 6000 sheets of letter sounds. "All candidates have expressed objections to excessive printing of ballot papers, but only," he explained.
Petitioner also argues that the incumbent Ida Fitriati-Novirzah have mobilized against the City Government servants in Pagar Alam. Incumbent partner who is also a Related Party issued an order that the civil servants in the municipal government Pagar Alam vote for the incumbent. "The mayor requires all civil servants to vote the incumbent partner because if other couples are selected, the development in Pagar Alam will not grow," he explained.
Responding to the petition, the judges are also composed of Constitutional Justices Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Harjono gives suggestions for improvements to the Applicant. Harjono advised Applicant changed petitum. "In petitum, Petitioner questioned the loss of just 3,000 votes out of the excess number of ballot papers considered by the Petitioner Respondent. Petitioners argue when they should all vote in the count," he explained.
By Panel of Judges, the Petitioners were given until the next day to fix the application. The next hearing scheduled to hear the answer to the Respondent and the Related Party and Proof will be held on Monday, February 11th next. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh)
Friday, February 08, 2013 | 08:43 WIB 126