Petitioner Experts: Population data Inaccurate, Susceptible to be politicized

The issue of population data is associated with politics. How not, demographic data affecting the various instruments in the general election. Among others are used when determining the electoral district, the number of voters, and the number of allocated seats it contested in the election, even to the determination of the requisite support for individual candidates in local elections.

But unfortunately, said Hashim Ashari, experts presented by Petitioner in Case No. 96/PUU-X/2012, population data in Indonesia is still not accurate. Often, the two agencies have the authority to present the demographic data, the Interior Ministry and the Central Bureau of Statistics, possess different data values.

According to Hashim, the problem was caused by two things. First, the data sources. Second, the method of data collection. Where, population data are of two types, namely by domicile de facto and de jure by domicile. Ministry of Internal Affairs uses data by de jure, as evidenced through the National Identity Card or Card Family. In the other hand, BPS records are de facto, and went straight to the population census from house to house.

"Ministry of Internal Affairs is passive. Updates population data relies heavily on the reports of population events, namely birth, death, marriage, migration, as well as public statements to the police in phases," said Hashim in Listening Session Description House and Expert Petitioner, Wednesday (6/2) at the Plenary Court .

Based on his experience over the years, the increase or reduction in the amount of data on the population of each of these institutions is not rational. "It is questionable," he said.

For example, data on population in Central Java in the past two years has decreased sharply, from 30 million to about 2 million inhabitants. "Though there are no natural disasters or wars that affect the population of Central Java," he said. In fact, Ministry of Internal Affairs through one directorate generals has indicated there are 7 million population data doubles.

The question is, whether the ups and downs of the population have to do with political interests? "To rise and lower seat allocation in certain areas," he asked.

Therefore, he said, if the population data is inaccurate and inconsistent, it is potentially detrimental to all parties. Therefore, it can be a tool ‘game’ of politics. In other words, the accuracy of population data will ensure certainty.

 Integration of Nations

At the same time has also heard DPR testimony submitted by the Members of Parliament Ruhut Sitompul. In his testimony, the House argued Article 22 paragraph (4) and attachment Law. 8 Year 2012 on General Elections Members of Parliament, Council and Parliament were questioned petition is without merit. 

Ruhut conveyed determination of regional legislative elections are not only seen from the aspect of equality, but also consider the principles of national integration. This view is taken because lawmakers consider the condition of the people is very plural and multicultural society. In addition, it is to avoiding potential conflicts that will arise.

"It should be viewed comprehensively. Having regard to the development of the region, at least in the past five years of the previous election," said House of Representatives Members of the Law Commission. Thus, the allocation of seats must also be adjusted to current conditions. It is particularly in areas experiencing expansion.

With regard to demographic data, further Ruhut, of course it is based on the data provided by the government. "As the authorities provide demographic data," he said. Finally, the House concluded, the formula is not contrary to the constitution.

To note, the provisions of Article 22 paragraph (4) Legislative Election Law were tested applicant reads, "Determination of regional legislative elections by changing the provisions of the electoral district in the last election under the provisions of paragraph (2)". Paragraph (2) it states, "The number of seats per constituency members of Parliament at least 3 (three) seats and a maximum of 10 (ten) seats." While in the Appendix, table displays that provide information about the Division of Constituency Members of Parliament. (Dodi / mh)

Wednesday, February 06, 2013 | 17:19 WIB 138