General Election Commission Reports on Re-Election Voting of Kapuas District

General Election Commission (KPU) of Central Kalimantan and the Election Commission of Kapuas submit the report on Re-Election Voting (PSU) in Kapuas District 2012, Tuesday (5/2). Both have expressed PSU around polling stations (TPS) in five villages and one village on command of the 

Chairman of the Election Commission of Kapuas District, Novita submit herself the PSU execution results in five villages and one village, which is in the villages of West Anjir Mambulau, East Anjir Mambulau, Naning, Middle New Tamban, Sei Teras and Selat Hulu. "In carrying out the order and decision of the Court, the Commission has undertaken consultancy Kapuas regency to the KPU RI, especially the technical part of elections. The plenum implemented the determination phase and the implementation schedule PSU, set the voters list and the number of polling stations, setting the appointment of the PPK and PPS in a plenary session in December 20 and 21, 2012," said Novita.

Novita also stated that it has conducted a coordination meeting with the parties regarding the conduct of PSU Election District. Kapuas PSU related security and logistics. In addition, the Election Commission of Kapuas District also perform inventory counting results in five villages and one urban performing PSU.

Still as instructed Court, Election Commission of Kapuas District consulted the KPU RI Regional Coordinator of Central Kalimantan, Juri Ardiantoro related to technical voter data issues based on letters of recommendation of Election Supervisory Committee of Kapuas District. Do not forget, Kapuas District Election Commission do one stage of the PSU, which is socialization. "Kapuas District Election Commission also did socialization phase, workshops and technical coordination of the implementation of the PSU with all the parties and the date of January 14, 2013," said Novita.

Kapuas District Election Commission also acted on Election Supervisory Board of Central Kalimantan related administrative violations committed candidate Muhammad Mawardi-Herson Barthel Aden. Kapuas District Election Commission decided that the candidate must submit a letter of resignation from his position as a civil servant. Because of that, Kapuas District Election Commission also stated Herson Basthel Aden have administrative violations.

Almost the same as the statement of Novita, the Election Commission of Central Kalimantan Province, represented by its chairman, Daan Rismon said that its institution has implemented appropriate steps PSU instructed in the decision of the Court. Rismon also confirmed Novita statement that says it has to coordinate and consult with the Central Kalimantan Election Commission and KPU RI (Central Election Commission).

Rismon then explained that the KPU Central Kalimantan has the obligation to monitor and report on implementation of the PSU in the district. Kapuas as instructed in the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 94/PHPU.D-X/2012. Rismon also outlines that the form of control by the Commission of Central Kalimantan appropriate authorities, namely direct supervision and indirect supervision of the preparation period and during the implementation of the PSU in Kapuas district. "Direct supervision we do form via telephone relationship with the chairman and members of District Election Commission.  

Finally, Rismon said at the last PSU, the Indonesian Election Commission, Election Commission of Central Kalimantan, and the District Election Commission of Kapuas were monitoring and supervision at several polling stations in five villages and one village which held PSU.

Novita and Rismon statements have been justified by representatives of the General Election Commission, Juri Ardiantoro. "It is true that both the Commission and the Commission Kapuas Central Kalimantan of Indonesia came to the Commission to consult. We also carry out supervision. What is described KPU Central Kalimantan, nothing different from what we wanted to convey. So what the Election Commission and the Election Commission in Central Kalimantan Kapuas be part what you want delivered KPU RI," Ardiantoro said. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh)



Wednesday, February 06, 2013 | 15:44 WIB 134